Domenici isn’t seeking embattled senator’s resignation

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., isn’t jumping on the bandwagon of GOP officials calling for the resignation of a Republican senator who pleaded guilty earlier this month to a misdemeanor charge stemming from allegations that he solicited sex from an undercover police officer in an airport restroom.

Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, was arrested June 11 in Minneapolis after an undercover male officer said he engaged in conduct “often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct.” Craig claims he entered the guilty plea to the misdemeanor charge to try to deal with the incident quickly and quietly. Now that it has become public, Craig says he regrets his plea and did nothing wrong.

Regardless, the incident has led to an ethics investigation and GOP leadership in the Senate has stripped Craig of senior committee positions. The White House has expressed disappointment, and a number of GOP senators and representatives have called for Craig’s resignation.

Not Domenici.

“We cannot rush to judgment here. The action being taken by the Senate Republican leadership is a good first step toward getting the facts,” he said in a statement released by his office. “It’s important that we allow the legal process to run its course and the Senate Ethics Committee to conduct a thorough and fair investigation.”

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., had no comment.

Others have been harsher than Domenici.

“Senator Craig pleaded guilty to a crime involving conduct unbecoming a senator,” Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., told the Associated Press. “He should resign.”

“I believe that he pled guilty, and he had the opportunity to plead innocent, and so I think he should resign,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told CNN. “My opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, then you shouldn’t serve.”

Idaho’s largest newspaper has also called for Craig to resign, and a poll found the majority of his constituents want his resignation.

If you want the details on the bathroom-stall incident, get them from The Politico by clicking here.

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