Guv claims he’s ‘Karl Rove’s worst nightmare’

Bill Richardson’s campaign is claiming that the governor is “Karl Rove’s worst nightmare in 2008.”

In an letter sent by e-mail today to campaign supporters, Dave Contarino, Richardson’s campaign manager, wrote that Rove’s resignation “may signal the end of an era where politicians start wars based on deceptions, and don’t mind sacrificing our civil rights to protect a political advantage. So maybe this is a turning point.”

Then the fear tactic.

“Or maybe this is just the day Karl Rove officially starts working to defeat Democrats in 2008,” Contarino wrote.

And the answer.

“Bill Richardson is Karl Rove’s worst nightmare in 2008 – a candidate that can not only win Democrats over, but can also bring in legions of new voters and solidify a Democratic majority for years to come,” he wrote.

Of course, it’s a fundraising letter, and not just a standard letter asking for one-time gifts, but one going after average Democrats by asking them to give a little each month.

“Personally, I like the idea of making Rove’s worst nightmare come true,” Contarino wrote. “But we have a lot of work ahead of us to get there: first, winning the nomination; then, fighting off the Republicans who will still use Rove’s book of dirty tricks; and, finally, repairing the damage Rove and Bush have wrought in this country.”

“Thank you for your help,” the letter concludes. “We count on you, and we look forward to frustrating Karl Rove and his followers for years to come.”

The letter includes a graphic that includes the text “Karl gone for good? When pigs fly.”

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