GOP lawmakers jump into health-care debate

In the face of mounting momentum to create universal health care systems on the state and federal levels, a group of GOP state lawmakers from the eastern side of New Mexico are touting a private plan they say will help people without insurance.

On the federal level, the House has approved and the Senate is debating expanding funding for a children’s health insurance program that President Bush has threatened to veto if it exceeds $5 billion – which the final version likely will. In addition, the Democratic presidential candidates – including Gov. Bill Richardson – are talking about reforming the health-care system.

On a state level, the lieutenant governor and other Democrats are hoping to make the creation of a universal health-care system the main policy issue considered during the 2008 legislative session.

This afternoon, a group of Roswell-area Republicans sent out a news release announcing that, tomorrow, they’ll be talking to the public about a private program to help the uninsured save money on prescription drugs.

The program, called Together Rx Access, is a partnership of a number of prescription drug companies that offers discounted drugs to qualifying people who aren’t insured.

“This is a private-sector solution to a public problem,” said Rep. Nora Espinoza, R-Roswell. “This program will help provide meaningful assistance to hard working people who struggle to pay for needed prescription medications every day.”

“We must provide meaningful help to those who are in most need in our communities. This is just one small way we’re able to do our part as elected officials,” said House Minority Whip Dan Foley, R-Roswell.

The event will be held at noon at the Best Western Sally Port Inn and Suites in Roswell.

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