Guv climbs in Colorado, New Jersey, not in Florida

Polls continue to show Gov. Bill Richardson’s support edging closer to 10 percent in a number of states.

The newest American Research Group poll of Colorado has Richardson’s support at 8 percent in that state, up from 2 percent in March. Hillary Clinton leads in that poll with 39 percent, Barack Obama has 22 percent and John Edwards has 10 percent. Fourteen percent are undecided.

The poll of 600 likely Democratic primary voters, conducted from Sunday-Wednesday, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

The newest Strategic Vision poll of New Jersey has Richardson’s support at 7 percent in that state. The last poll in that state, conducted about three weeks ago by Qunnipiac University, had Richardson at 4 percent. In the new poll, Clinton is at 46 percent, Obama is at 20 percent and Edwards is at 10 percent. Eleven percent are undecided.

The larger poll of 800 likely voters, which sampled Democrats and Republicans, was conducted July 13-15 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent. The margin of error for those questions asked only of likely Democratic voters is likely higher but wasn’t released.

A third poll isn’t as positive for the Richardson campaign.

The newest American Research Group poll of Florida has Richardson at 3 percent, which is where he was in the group’s last poll in that state conducted in May. Clinton leads with 45 percent, followed by Obama with 25 percent and Edwards with 9 percent. Eleven percent said they are undecided.

The poll of 600 likely Democratic primary voters was conducted July 12-15 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

An interesting note: Edwards’ decline isn’t unique to New Hampshire, where he has actually fallen behind Richardson in the most recent poll. He’s dropping rapidly in polls in a number of states.

While we’re on the topic of Richardson, the Associated Press has an interesting article about how the governor’s personal assets have increased tenfold since he left federal government in 2001. Check it out if you get a chance.

Update, 11:15 a.m.

A new CNN poll out today shows that Richardson still isn’t making any progress in the important primary state of South Carolina. He’s in fourth place, at 2 percent, and far behind third-place candidate Edwards, who is at 17 percent.

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