Vigil taken off House Education Committee

Rep. Richard Vigil, whose wife is facing criminal charges related in part to allegations that she misspent money he helped secure, is being removed, at his own request, from the House Education Committee.

Vigil’s wife Roberta and three others are facing felony charges related, in part, to allegations that they misspent the money on an annual, invitation-only party that was billed as training for employees of the West Las Vegas School District’s bilingual education program his wife used to run. Whether the Democratic lawmaker from Ribera is a target of the investigation is unknown.

Speaker of the House Ben Lujan announced the change in a news release.

“I very much appreciate Representative Vigil’s request to be reassigned in light of the pending case involving his wife,” Lujan said in the release. “I will reassign him to other committees so that he can continue to represent the interests of his constituents.”

Vigil made the request, according to the speaker’s release, “to ensure that the respect and integrity of the institution is maintained” and to “avoid even the appearance of impropriety.”

It’s interesting and refreshing to see Vigil and the speaker out in front on this one. Last week, GOP leaders said Vigil should be allowed to remain on the committee for the time being, though they’re keeping a close watch on the pending investigation to see whether he is implicated in the scandal.

Vigil has referred questions to his attorney, who has not called me back.

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