Domenici won’t support immigration reform bill

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici has decided he won’t support an immigration proposal he helped draft because amendments he believes are critical won’t be approved.

In response to a question, Domenici’s office confirmed for me moments ago that he no longer supports the bill.

The GOP senator’s decision came after the Senate, on a vote of 53-45, rejected earlier today an amendment proposed by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, that would have required all adult illegal immigrants to return home within two years to qualify for permanent legal status in the United States. The bill requires only heads of households to return to their home countries to apply for legal status.

Many oppose that because they say it provides amnesty to adults who have broken the law. The defeat of Hutchison’s amendment, said Domenici spokeswoman Courtney Sanders, led New Mexico’s senior senator to believe that critical amendments won’t be approved.

“It’s clear that the bill is not going to be workable, and Senator Domenici won’t support it,” Sanders said.

Domenici was part of a bipartisan group of senators who worked with the president to reach a compromise on the bill. Even if the Senate approves the bill, its chances of getting a hearing in the more partisan House, where there is less support for compromise, are questionable.

It’s not clear whether other GOP senators who had supported the compromise attempt will also give up on the bill, but the loss of Domenici’s support is a blow for those hoping the bill will be approved.

Domenici voted earlier this month against ending debate on the bill and scheduling a final vote. He said at the time more discussion was necessary to hammer out critical but divisive issues. The majority of senators agreed that the bill was not ready for a final vote but, after that test vote failed, Democratic leadership shelved the bill.

The proposal was revived Tuesday when a majority of senators, including Domenici, voted to move ahead with the bill.

Sanders said Domenici’s decision to oppose the bill was one “that he did not come to easily.” He has worked tirelessly to help reach compromise.

“Senator Domenici is committed to moving a good bill forward,” Sanders said.

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