Domenici’s poll numbers may be stabilizing

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici’s approval rating has dropped for the fourth consecutive month, but only slightly, and his support has actually increased in some key areas.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman’s approval rating has also dropped.

The decline in support for the Republican Domenici and Democratic Bingaman might indicate overall frustration with issues that include rising gas prices and a Congress that has failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform. It’s possible that, unless the U.S. attorney scandal worsens, Domenici’s approval rating has bottomed out.

In the newest survey, conducted June 8-10, Domenici has a 51-percent approval rating, down from 52 percent a month ago. Bingaman has a 59-percent approval rating, down from 63 percent a month ago.

The survey of 600 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

The rating is the lowest for Domenici since at least May 2005, when the monthly survey began. Some 42 percent disapprove of the job he’s doing, which is the highest disapproval since the poll began. However, disapproval was also at 42 percent a month ago.

In the newest survey, 30 percent said they disapprove of the job Bingaman is doing.

Domenici’s approval is below 50 percent in some key categories. It’s at 49 percent among Anglos, 40 percent among Democrats and 45 percent among independents.

But his support is at 50 percent among women and 52 percent among men. And Domenici’s numbers actually appear to be rebounding in some key areas. His support among Democrats is up from 39 percent last month, and his support among independents is up from 41 percent. His support among Republicans is holding steady.

His support among Anglos fell from 55 percent, but it climbed among blacks from 44 percent to 56 percent and among Hispanics from 47 percent to 53 percent.

Domenici is up for re-election next year, but no well-known Democrat has jumped into the race. Two lesser-known challengers are in the race.

Bingaman, who had stronger approval ratings than Domenici in most categories, was re-elected last year.

Though Domenici’s poll numbers may be stabilizing, the Democratic Party of New Mexico went on the attack in response to the newest survey. The party is working hard to find a top-tier candidate to take on Domenici.

“Pete Domenici may think the scandal over his pressuring the U.S. attorney to bring political indictments is over, but the damage has clearly been done with the New Mexico electorate. With the Senate Ethics Committee continuing to investigate Domenici, he may still have a long way to fall before he hits rock bottom,” party Chair Brian Colón said in a news release. “Instead of continuing to dig a hole, he should start coming clean with New Mexicans about his role in this entire affair.”

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