Elizabeth Edwards to attend fundraiser in ABQ

Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, will be in Albuquerque next week to raise money for her husband’s campaign.

She’ll be at a home in the Duke City on June 22 at 6 p.m. Tickets range from $250 to $2,300. Those who are interested in attending can contact Amanda Scott, Edwards’ southwest regional finance director, at (505) 224-8089 or ascott@johnedwards.com.

Elizabeth Edwards’ battle with cancer has been highly publicized. She’s currently battling a relapse doctors say has spread to her bone and isn’t curable. She’s undergoing treatment as she and her husband continue to campaign.

Her husband has some high-profile supporters in New Mexico, including former Attorney General Patricia Madrid.

The last poll I’ve seen of the Democratic presidential candidates’ support in New Mexico is from January and was done by American Research Group. It had Edwards in fourth place, at 12 percent, Barack Obama at 17 percent, Hillary Clinton at 22 percent and Bill Richardson at 28 percent.

But the poll is so old that it doesn’t mean much.

Update, 11:40 p.m.

John Edwards was in El Paso on Tuesday to raise money. You can read about it by clicking here.

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