Martinez campaign says it’s ‘cautiously optimistic’

Susana Martinez

Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez’s campaign says it is “cautiously optimistic” as voters head to the polls on what is turning out to be a primary Election Day characterized by dismal turnout.

Martinez is the frontrunner in the race, with two recent polls showing her up 10 and 11 points over her closest opponent, Allen Weh. Weh’s campaign hasn’t responded to a request for comment on how things are going today.

The campaign of Pete Domenici Jr. hasn’t responded either, but the campaigns of Doug Turner and Janice Arnold-Jones sound optimistic.

“Things are going well,” Turner spokesman Stephen Dinkel said. “We hit a huge door-to-door campaign and we are making phone calls. Even though voter turnout is extremely low, we are working hard towards the finish line.”

Arnold-Jones Campaign Manager Steve Kush said his campaign’s organization “is going strong with volunteers, phone banking and going door-to-door throughout the state.”

“We plan on surprising the establishment tonight,” he said.

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