Guv can redeem debate performance this week

Gov. Bill Richardson has a busy schedule this week that includes an opportunity to redeem himself after a poor performance in the first democratic presidential candidate debate several weeks ago.

Richardson will spend much of today in Boca Raton, Fla., attending fundraisers, according to a news release from his campaign. On Wednesday, he’ll make stops in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to attend fundraisers.

He’ll spend Thursday in New Mexico and will attend a fundraiser in Santa Fe in the evening. On Friday, he’ll attend fundraisers in Gallup and Albuquerque.

Richardson will be in New Hampshire and Iowa on Saturday – in The Granite State in the morning to attend the state’s Democratic Party convention and in the Hawkeye State in the evening to attend a dinner event.

On Sunday, he’ll take part in the second debate of democratic presidential candidates. The event begins at 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time and will be broadcast on CNN.

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