GOP county chairman quits so he can support primary candidates

Rod Montoya has resigned from his position as chairman of the San Juan County Republican Party because he wants to advocate for candidates in some primary races in advance of the June 1 election.

Montoya, who also resigned from his position as second vice chair of the state GOP, wrote in his resignation letter to the state party that he is “unable to stand by any longer as Adam Kokesh, candidate for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District, continues to mislead Republican voters,” the Farmington Daily Times reported.

Montoya plans to support Kokesh’s primary opponent, Tom Mullins, in addition to gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez, the Daily Times reported. County party chairs aren’t allowed to get involved in primary races.


“I want to make it clear that I am not going to work for any one candidate, but I plan on informing the voters of specific candidate misrepresentations,” Montoya’s letter states. “I am going to personally support several candidates that I believe in.”

Montoya took issue with Kokesh’s opposition to the Iraq war and said he’s also concerned about Kokesh supporting abortion, gay marriage and legal prostitution – the last being an issue Kokesh said should be left up to states.

Kokesh was quoted by the Daily-Times as saying Montoya’s comments prove that the GOP “establishment” doesn’t support him,  but those who think the nation is “on the wrong track” and realize that the GOP leaders are “out of touch” are supporting him.

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