Domenici can’t seem to get a break

U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici just can’t get a break. Already under fire for his role in the U.S. attorney scandal, he was slammed by a columnist yesterday for arriving late to the funeral of a Washington lobbyist.

At Jack Valenti’s funeral on Tuesday, former Time magazine White House correspondent Margaret Carlson wrote, Domenici arrived 20 minutes late.

It was the exact moment the funeral procession began.

“Like most senators, Domenici isn’t used to waiting even for the deceased,” Carlson wrote. “He turned sideways to gauge whether he could squeeze past the remains of Valenti, a former Hollywood lobbyist. If it weren’t for pallbearers twice his size, he might have. In a church packed with the likes of Steven Spielberg and Michael Douglas, Domenici marched toward the altar, presuming someone would make room for him. Someone did.”

She wrote that the incident “is a reminder of how people in Washington comport themselves as if the rules don’t apply to them.”

“That mindset has Domenici in hot water trying to explain away a call to David Iglesias,” she wrote.


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