Many voters in non-scientific poll favor annexation

A number of people who voted in last week’s non-scientific poll on this site favor approval of a proposed 4,200-acre annexation on Las CrucesEast Mesa.

Of 234 voters, 90, or 38 percent, said the city council should approve the annexation without conditions, while 23, or 10 percent, said they should approve it but ask the developer to hold additional public meetings. 64 voters, or 27 percent, said the council should delay voting to allow more public input up front, and 57, or 24 percent, said they should deny the annexation application.

It’s notable that, on Friday, after most votes had been cast in the poll, the attorney general said it would be illegal for the council to vote on the annexation at today’s meeting, which will likely delay the vote for about a month.

Don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll, located at the top of the right column on this page.

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