Check out Richardson’s first TV commercials

For those of you who have been waiting to hear the words “I’m Bill Richardson and I approved this message” at the end of a television commercial, here’s you chance.

The first of two television ads Gov. Bill Richardson will begin airing in Iowa and New Hampshire on Monday begins by displaying the quote, “We have to undo the damage. The world is waiting.” It’s attributed to Richardson.

The 60-second advertisement, titled “Life’s Work,” focuses on Richardson’s extensive experience. While a narrator talks about his various jobs, black-and-white photographs of Richardson meeting with Saddam Hussein and doing other work fill the screen.

“He has an optimism that our leaders can meet in good faith and achieve great things, because he’s done it so many times before,” the narrator states.

The second ad, titled “The Wall,” shows Richardson standing next to a stone wall among trees and grass while he talks about bipartisanship and bringing troops home from Iraq. He ends the 30-second commercial by saying, “I approved this message because being stubborn isn’t a foreign policy.”

Richardson is the first Democratic contender to air television ads in any state. You can watch both by clicking here.

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