Final tally has tax approved by 270 votes

Doña Ana County voters ended up approving a 1/4 percent increase in the gross receipts tax to help fund Spaceport America by 270 votes.

After completing the canvass this morning, which included considering all provisional ballots, the county released final results: 9,020 people, or 50.8 percent, voted for the tax; 8,750 people, or 49.2 percent, voted against it.

That means 17,770 people voted – 18.4 percent of the 96,435 who were registered to vote in the election.

The results remain unofficial until commissioners certify them at a meeting on Tuesday.

The tax taxes effect on Jan. 1, 2008. None of the money that’s collected can be spent until the state signs a lease with Virgin Galactic and obtains a commercial spaceport license from the Federal Aviation Administration.

If those conditions aren’t met by the end of 2008, commissioners have already stated, in a resolution, their intent to rescind the tax and seek approval to spend the money already collected – which at that point would be about $6.7 million – on other needs.

The tax is set to sunset in 20 years or as soon as the bonds it funds are paid off. If the growth tax supporters predict becomes a reality, the bonds should be paid off sooner than that.

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