Las Cruces’ voter turnout really is spotty

Doña Ana County Elections Supervisor Lynn Ellins’ description of today’s voter turnout as “spotty” appears to be appropriate.

Turnout is consistently low in the north and south, but in and around Las Cruces, some precincts have ten times the votes of others.

At 2:30 p.m., one precinct at Picacho Middle School had more than 100 votes cast, while the other precinct there had about 20. Though at 3:15 p.m. one precinct at Camino Real Middle School had 304 voters, one at the Branigan Library had only 28 voters by 4:30 p.m.

“There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason or pattern,” Ellins said.

He estimated that 10,000 to 12,000 people will vote today.

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