Richardson’s fundraising impresses; so does Hillary’s

Gov. Bill Richardson has raised about $6 million for his presidential campaign and spent about $1 million.

Richardson’s campaign said he had raised that amount during the three-month period that ended Saturday, and said he has $5 million left, the Associated Press reported. By comparison, Hillary Clinton raised $26 million and transferred another $10 million from her Senate fundraising account. John Edwards raised more than $14 million.

The figures were released by the campaigns, and Barack Obama didn’t release a dollar amount. Reports that detail fundraising efforts of the presidential candidates will be released later this month.

Richardson’s fundraising total for the quarter included more than $540,000 he raised in the last week, exceeding his goal of $500,000.

The Hotline reported that Richardson spokesman Pahl Shipley said the campaign is “pleased with where we are. We’re on goal, on budget, and we’re in it for the duration.

The blog noted that, unlike Clinton, Richardson couldn’t transfer money to his presidential account, because he is currently a state official and federal law prohibits such transfers.

The Hotline’s verdict: “$6 million is a show of strength for a sitting governor not considered to be in the top tier.”

Score one for the only governor in the race. But score one for Clinton as well. Her fundraising total shattered previous records.

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