Back from Iraq, Pearce upbeat about troop surge

U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., has returned from a secret trip to Iraq expressing confidence in the new commander of U.S. forces and the controversial troop surge.

Pearce spent four days earlier this week in Iraq and Israel along with several other Democratic and Republican lawmakers. They met with the commander of forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus, in addition to several other American and Iraqi leaders.

Pearce shot video, which you can view by clicking here.

“To gain a real understanding of the situation in Iraq, there is no substitute for talking directly to our commanders and troops on the ground,” Pearce said in an e-mail newsletter to supporters. “I was particularly impressed with our commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus. Having co-authored the Army’s field manual on fighting counterinsurgency, General Patraeus literally wrote the book on how to win the kind of fight we’re in. His thorough responses to our tough questions in Baghdad indicated that our military commanders and the Iraqi leadership believe the new strategy can succeed.”

Pearce said he is also confident that the troop surge and President Bush’s demand that Iraqis begin taking more responsibility for their government are positive steps.

“The fate of Iraq is ultimately in the hands of Iraqis; particularly Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his government,” Pearce said. “… General Petraeus states that the American reinforcements that are on the way to Iraq appear to have stiffened the prime minister’s resolve while strengthening his hand. The Iraqi government is functioning, having passed a budget as well as the most innovative investment laws in the Middle East.”

“Yet, we must see concrete results in Baghdad in the form of dramatically improved security. As Baghdad goes, so goes the fate of freedom in Iraq, the prospects for peace and stability in the Middle East, and the strength of our own national security,” he said. “Within days, 40 percent of the planned doubling of American security forces in Baghdad will be on the ground working alongside 100,000 Iraqi troops. Now is the time for the Iraqi people to step up and seize their future.”

Pearce said the stakes are high.

America faces a seminal test of wills,” he said. “And I’m encouraged to report that our commanders and troops in Iraq continue to believe in the mission and their ability to achieve it.”

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