Pearce fights against repealing oil tax breaks

As I was visiting with New Mexico’s Democratic lawmakers in the nation’s capital Thursday, U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., spent much of the day on the House floor arguing against rolling back tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies.

The Democratic-controlled House eventually voted to do just that.

When I was in the offices of Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Rep. Tom Udall, Pearce was on the television arguing against the Democratic proposal. He spoke in place of other Republican representatives whose turn it was to take the podium, and argued back and forth with Democratic lawmakers throughout the day.

The bill passed 264-163. Many Republicans sided with Democrats, who are attempting to shift focus away from oil production and toward conservation and alternative energy. Republicans argued the measure would raise gas prices and increase dependence on foreign oil.

Pearce, for his part, was quoted by the New York Times as saying just that, and mocking Democrats’ arguments.

“The San Francisco Democrats want to run the cars on the road with wind,” the newspaper quoted Pearce as saying.

Pearce’s Southern New Mexico district is an oil company stronghold, and Pearce owned an oilfield services company before getting into politics.

For the record, I visited only New Mexico’s Democratic lawmakers Thursday because my time was limited and they are in power, so the more pressing news currently has to do with their proposals and action.

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