Richardson says progress made in Sudan

Gov. Bill Richardson had this to say about his meeting with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir:

“It was a frank, open discussion about the most urgent issues facing the Sudanese government and the people of Darfur, as well as people across Sudan,” Richardson said in a news release. “It was a good meeting, and I feel we made some progress. I’m hopeful we can build on that progress when we meet again on Wednesday.”

Richardson will travel to the Darfur region on Tuesday to tour a displaced persons camp and meet with the African Union force commander, rebel commanders, United Nations representatives and local government officials, according to the news release.

Richardson’s hope for his Wednesday meeting with al-Bashir is that it will “create an atmosphere that will hopefully lead to a political solution that will bring peace and stability to Darfur and all Sudanese citizens,” according to the news release.

Here is a photo of Richardson with al-Bashir, courtesy of the governor’s press office:

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