Candidates file to run for school board seats

Here are the names of candidates who filed today to run for positions on the Las Cruces, Gadsden and Hatch school boards in the Feb. 6 election:

Las Cruces Public Schools

District 4: Larry Garcia, Bonnie Votaw

District 5: David Morgan, Connie Phillips, Sharon Wooden

Gadsden Independent School District

District 1: Manuela Huerta, Luz Vargas-Troncoso

District 2: Rodolfo Franco, Jennifer Viramontes

District 3: Maria Saenz

District 4: Daniel Castillo, Elva Flores

District 5: Craig Ford, Charles Gonnell, Robert Zinsmaster

Hatch Valley Public Schools

District 2: Douglas Adams

District 3: David Franzoy, Dencil Duane Gills

District 5: Donald Hackey

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