NMPolitics.net is on hiatus

Folks, I’m sorry to tell you that NMPolitics.net has to take a break.

I’ve been dealing with a personal emergency since late last year. I’ve been working late (and very early) hours to keep fresh content publishing regularly at NMPolitics.net while that situation has consumed most of my time. That’s no longer doable.

Heath Haussamen

Heath Haussamen

I intend to keep writing my regular column that publishes at NMPolitics.net and in some newspapers every other week. I’ll continue to share it at NMPolitics.net, on social media and through our email list.

My work, for the time being, will be limited to that.

I’m really sorry I can’t currently continue NMPolitics.net at the level you expect. I’ve worked hard since 2006 to build it into a useful resource for you and a stable source of income for me. I wish I could tell you how soon we’ll be back. Right now, I honestly don’t know.

Thanks to all of you who have financially supported my work and NMPolitics.net through the years. I hope you will be patient with me through this situation, especially if you’re signed up to make monthly donations.

I’ll be in touch again soon about NMPolitics.net’s status. In the meantime, keep an eye out for my regular column.

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