COMMENTARY: After the 2016 election I voiced several questions for folks to ask the president. We now see how a spade is really a spade.
45 is doing everything possible to make himself an unaccountable and impervious un-president through administrative and questionable legal “transformations.” The Republican Party lies face-down on the capitol steps with its ears covered, exuding its complacency as quiescent enablers. Perhaps the “Capitol Steps” musical group could dance all over them.

Courtesy photo
Jerry Nachison
If we look at 45’s actions, many fall generally within the definition of “treason.” The Constitution, Article III, Section 3, says, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
Um, is this a direct prescient notice of the Mueller investigation and an ending? The major news networks won’t raise a flag — treason is too dirty a word. With 45, there are many more items than can be enumerated herein:
1. Cozying up to a foreign dictator and giving him extra influence, if not outright entry, into both news and intelligence networks.
2. Cozying up to a crown prince and giving him influence. He is a dictator in all but name and only interested in the United States for its arms sales.
3. Telegraphed that only “money” for him and his friends is in the national interest.
There are other actions that are indicative of the reach of his thoughts:
• His support of white supremacists, including neo-nazis.
• Anything reported not in his favor is “fake news.”
• Sets new records for lying almost every time he opens his mouth.
• Supports and encourages a mostly self-abasing and kowtowing staff.
• Encourages press censorship. It’s not just Sinclair Corporation any longer.
There is much more already out in the open — and its not “fake news.”
The 2018 midterm elections brought about the opening for those who want accountability from this administration. Gridlock on policy matters is only one incoming fact. Investigations on the administration will be opened by the House of Representatives. When will a White House backlash erupt, and in what form?
I expect the December “lame duck” congressional session will turn out a variety of measures to gum up the works. My hope is that the judiciary can remain independent herein — including the U.S. Supreme Court.
2019’s surprises could be all-encompassing. We shall see, as the world turns.
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
Jerry Nachison is a Las Cruces resident who is active in local politics and nonprofits. He’s a retired social/housing gerontologist. Agree with his opinion? Disagree? welcomes your views. Learn about submitting your own commentary here.