Gage Skidmore / Creative Commons
Libertarians have largely focused on sending Gary Johnson to Washington, which is unlikely, instead of seizing the rare opportunity to build a stronger party, the author writes.
COMMENTARY: Let me start by saying this isn’t the column I wanted to write. I believe the United States’ two-party system is structurally oppressive and encourages simple-minded thinking with the black-and-white choices it forces.
If you’re a member of a major party, which the powers-that-be intend only for Democrats and Republicans, it’s easier to get on the ballot than it is for minor parties and independents. Presidential debates are structured to present voters with two choices – Democrat and Republican – and generally exclude others.
So I’m a fan of third parties and independents. I have voted over the years for Ralph Nader and Gary Johnson.
The Libertarian Party currently has major-party status in New Mexico. That anomaly occurred because Johnson, a former N.M. governor, won 9 percent of the presidential vote in New Mexico in 2016. As an unintended consequence, Libertarians cleared the first hurdle toward such status – getting more than 5 percent in a statewide race.

Heath Haussamen
The second hurdle was getting more than one-third of 1 percent of New Mexico’s registered voters to become Libertarians. Done.
Given the disgust about Trump’s presidency among many Republicans, Libertarians could be well-positioned to build a stronger party. That would take a sophisticated, strategic effort.
Instead, we’ve seen missteps and a rotating slate of candidates. First, former Democratic state Rep. Sandra Jeff was their secretary of state hopeful. Now it’s Ginger Grider. State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn jumped off the burning GOP ship and became the nation’s first Libertarian statewide elected official. He joined the U.S. Senate race, then changed his mind. Now Johnson is the Senate candidate.
Worst of all, the party’s governor and lieutenant governor candidates failed to gather the required signatures to qualify for the ballot. That’s important because the most common interpretation of state law says to maintain major-party status Libertarians must win 5 percent in this year’s gubernatorial race, which now won’t happen, or 5 percent in the 2020 presidential race in New Mexico. That’s unlikely unless Johnson runs again.
As for Johnson being on the ballot yet again… I mean, come on. As someone who has voted for him before, I’d like to see Johnson’s stances evolve. Today we understand that private prisons are more violent and problematic than those run by government. Inmate deaths have revealed problems like medical neglect.
But Johnson, who made our state the most reliant on private prisons as governor, remains zealous about privatization. “You should opt to do that every single time, because that’s money out of your and my pockets,” he told me in 2016. “In retrospect, I wish we could have privatized 100 percent of the prisons, as opposed to 50 percent,” he said earlier this year.
Historically, New Mexico Democrats largely supported private prisons too, but they’ve shifted this year under heavy criticism. Many are rejecting campaign donations from prison companies.
Johnson, meanwhile, is talking about the same issues in pretty much the same way he always has. In these tumultuous, changing times, New Mexicans aren’t excited about that. Polling shows Johnson isn’t likely to win the Senate race.
But Libertarians remain largely focused on sending Johnson to Washington instead of seizing the rare opportunity to build a stronger party.
The party needed a solid gubernatorial candidate and a focus on local efforts in strategic places. Elect two Libertarians to the state Legislature, for example. Then build from there.
It’s too bad that isn’t happening. I like some of the Libertarian candidates. I’d like to see a strong third party.
Maybe someday.
Heath Haussamen is NMPolitics.net’s editor and publisher. Agree with his opinion? Disagree? NMPolitics.net welcomes your views. Learn about submitting your own commentary here.