Heath Haussamen / NMPolitics.net
The Roundhouse in Santa Fe.
COMMENTARY: “Students sense when an educator is trying to gloss over sour actions with sweet sounding words,” notes NEA-New Mexico President Betty Patterson, a special education teacher of 36 years.
In a recent television advertisement, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Pearce tries to create the image he will be a strong governor on behalf of our students by using sweet sounding words such as, “Let our teachers teach. … Good teachers don’t give up on their kids. As governor, I will not give up on our teachers.”
The unfortunate reality is Pearce already has given up on our teachers and our students. The sweet words in his recent advertisement don’t jive with his sour record. His record has earned him an “F” by our National Education Association.

Courtesy photo
Charles Goodmacher
In sharp contrast, Democratic candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham’s actions have earned her an “A” every year.
The reality is Pearce votes in support of the Trump/DeVos education agenda, defeating many valuable programs that could provide every student a more equal opportunity to succeed.
“Talk is cheap, even if slick television commercials aren’t. Actions do speak louder than and are valued more than hollow words. On the basis of his actions as a U.S. representative, Pearce’s education record abysmally fails the test,” says Charles Bowyer, NEA-New Mexico executive director.
We invite the public and all who value public education and want the best for our students to consider Pearce’s actual record as they evaluate the legitimacy of the claims in his slick advertisements. Check out this non-partisan web site by clicking here. Can Pearce be trusted to take future actions in accord with what he sweetly pledges during the campaign, rather than on his actual record?
“On Education issues, the choice is clear. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s record shines, while Pearce’s record is tarnished. We implore fellow New Mexicans to join with our NEA-New Mexico EdPAC and board of directors to support Michelle Lujan Grisham for governor, but don’t take our word – check the record,” Patterson encourages.
Pearce earned his “F” for education when he voted against New Mexico students and local public schools by supporting the Republican leadership proposed fiscal year 2018 budget. NEA opposed passage of the House Budget Resolution (H. Con. Res. 71) which calls for deep cuts to programs like education and health care in order to pave the way for massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. The legislation passed by a vote of 219-206 on Oct. 5, 2017, adding trillions to the national debt that today’s students will be burdened with for the rest of their lives.
Pearce earned his “F” for education when he voted wrong for restoring after-school Programs (H-1-506), and when he supported vouchers that would take public dollars away from public classrooms.
Pearce earned his “F” for education every year he served in Congress. Every year. No deceptive, sweet-sounding words and slick video production can change his abysmal education record.
Lujan Grisham has earned an “A” on education every year in Congress.
It’s on the basis of what they have done with congressional opportunities to support students and teachers that NEA-New Mexico and our NEA-NM EdPAC recommend Lujan Grisham for governor. Fortunately, New Mexicans can choose a great pro-education candidate this year.
Charles Goodmacher is the government and media relations director for the National Education Association-New Mexico. Agree with his opinion? Disagree? NMPolitics.net welcomes your views. Learn about submitting your own commentary here.