Let me start by saying I hate asking for money. But good journalism isn’t cheap, and NMPolitics.net is my livelihood. So I ask, often, that if you value local, independent journalism, you give whatever you can afford to support our work.
Still, asking for money feels especially hard this week.
That’s because I have recently spent a great deal of time reporting, writing and publishing a series of articles and commentaries about the downfall of former Doña Ana County Clerk Scott Krahling.

Heath Haussamen
It isn’t the first time I’ve done reporting that forced into public view the misdeeds of an elected official. And I’ve certainly written about public officials resigning before.
What’s different this time, as I wrote in a commentary on Friday, is the high regard the public had for Krahling, and my role in making that happen. I wrote in July about Krahling’s fairly visionary goal of transforming the county clerk’s office from a place that simply administers elections to one that coordinates community partnerships to encourage voting and civic engagement.
That article gained widespread attention. Praise for Krahling grew. Then someone called to tell me what the public would learn from my reporting a few weeks later: that Krahling had an inappropriate relationship with an employee who he twice promoted, creating a perception of unfair treatment and violating county policies designed to protect employees from abuse at the hands of their supervisors.
So I dug until I had that story on the record. The day I told Krahling’s attorney I was going to write an article, Krahling resigned. And I published.
I take no joy in writing such articles. But I believe in journalism’s duty to shine light in dark places. I’ll do my job – no matter who it is I have to write about.
So, as much as I hate asking for money, I need you. If you value reporting that holds those in power accountable, and if you respect NMPolitics.net’s demonstrated commitment to follow the story no matter who’s exposed, will you help us? You can make a one-time donation in any amount or sign up to make automatic, monthly contributions. Even a few dollars helps.
You can donate by clicking here.
I’m humbled and honored by those of you who, with your dollars, entrust me with this important work.