As we approach the end of August, needs to raise another $1,107.45 to reach our fundraising goal for the month. Will you help us get there?
You can make a one-time donation of $25, $100, $250 or any other amount by clicking here.
Better yet, you can sign up to make automatic, monthly contributions in any amount (even $5 helps!) by clicking here. That helps us reach a higher level of monthly sustainability.

Heath Haussamen
We’re working hard to bring you a thoughtful and analytical mix of local, state and national news. And our work is getting attention. A television panel in Albuquerque recently discussed’s lawsuit against Spaceport America. I also went on the Rio Grande Foundation’s weekly podcast to discuss that lawsuit.
And I’ve recently done radio interviews about nonpartisan efforts to increase voting and civic engagement in Doña Ana County and border and immigration issues — both topics has covered in-depth.
Good journalism plays an important role in helping all of us understand the world around us and make informed decisions. And it costs money. Without adequate funding, can’t keep doing this work. doesn’t charge a subscription fee because I believe people should have access to news and information about their government regardless of their ability to pay. I believe that access is critical to democracy.
So instead, I ask that you give what you can afford. It could be $5 per month or $50. It could be a one-time donation of $10 or a gift of $1,000. But please, give something.
Again, you can donate by clicking here.
Thanks so much! Without you, wouldn’t exist.