Haussamen discusses lawsuit against Spaceport America

Spaceport America

Courtesy photo

Virgin Galactic’s hangar at Spaceport America. editor and publisher Heath Haussamen joined the Rio Grande Foundation’s podcast this week to discuss his lawsuit against Spaceport America.

You can listen to the 33-minute interview on Tipping Point New Mexico, with the foundation’s Paul Gessing and D. Dowd Muska, here:

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Haussamen’s lawsuit comes after the N.M. Spaceport Authority blocked access to some records he sought during his 2017 journalistic investigation of the spaceport’s economic impact in New Mexico. The lawsuit seeks the release of information about how much customers are paying in rent and fees to use the spaceport and other documents.

Haussamen also discussed the Southern New Mexico political scene with Gessing and Muska, including an upcoming bond election that would raise property taxes in Las Cruces and the race to replace Steve Pearce in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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