NMPolitics.net needs you now more than ever

Journalists in Colorado are in open rebellion against the hedge fund that owns their newspapers. The Denver Post launched the fight earlier this month with an opinion piece from its editorial board decrying cuts that have crippled the newspaper.

“The smart money is that in a few years The Denver Post will be rotting bones. And a major city in an important political region will find itself without a newspaper,” the editorial board wrote.

Heath Haussamen

Heath Haussamen

This weekend, the editorial page editor for the Boulder Daily Camera published an editorial on another platform after the newspaper’s publisher took the unusual step of not allowing its publication in the newspaper.

“…the journalistic lifeblood of communities large and small is being systematically drained by their owners’ private equity business model,” Dave Krieger wrote. “…Whether a particular form of capitalism should be permitted to destroy local First Amendment institutions serving millions of Americans is now a national conversation, thanks to the Post.”

Journalism across the United States is in a world of hurt. New Mexico is no exception. The Las Cruces Sun-News is among the newspapers that have been hit by cut after cut.

In spite of journalism’s reduced capacity, we’re working hard to bring you the news and information you need. We at NMPolitics.net partner regularly with the Sun-News to tackle important projects and have won journalism awards for our efforts.

But what we’re doing isn’t sustainable. The Denver Post isn’t the only important news organization that might be “rotting bones” in a few years.

The internet has changed the way people consume news. It must also change the way journalism is funded.

You’re the answer. You have to help pay for the news you consume just like you pay for movies, music, books or anything else.

Good journalism is critical to our society. It’s a key way that you learn about what’s happening in your community, state, nation and world. We’re holding power accountable on your behalf. And at NMPolitics.net, we’re also working hard to facilitate bridge-building conversations that help people with differing views find common ground and ways forward.

NMPolitics.net is a fiercely independent small business. We’re almost entirely dependent on donations from people like you. And we’re struggling to keep the lights on this year. Like The Denver Post, our future is uncertain. We need you now more than ever.

If you believe like I do that journalism is essential to the health of our society, I need you to contribute to NMPolitics.net’s future. Give what you can afford — but please, give something.

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