NMPolitics.net is funded primarily through advertising sponsorships and donations from people and organizations. We value government transparency and believe we should hold ourselves to the same standard. So, in accordance with our financial contributor policy, we disclose information about all advertising sponsorships and donations.
Below is information about our 2017 funding. Thanks to all our sponsors and donors!
Advertising sponsors
Here’s a list of our 2017 advertising sponsors:
SunPower by Positive Energy Solar
($5,000.04, advertiser from Jan. 25, 2017 to Jan. 24, 2018)
N.M. Association of Commerce and Industry
($2,579.82, sponsor from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017)
Luna Embedded Consulting
($2,299.17, sponsor from Jan. 17 to Oct. 31, 2017)
Dehesa Express
($1,369.98, sponsor from Nov. 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018)
The Suazo Legal Group, PLLC
($1,171.01, sponsor from Jan. 16 to March 18, 2017)
View Trends in the Las Cruces Real Estate Market – Join Property Watch Today!
Steinborn & Associates Real Estate
($1,000, sponsor from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2017)
Yvonne Flores Campaign
($346.25, sponsor from Nov. 1-7, 2017)
Las Cruces Press Women
($251, sponsor from March 16 to April 12, 2017)
New Mexico First
($251, sponsor from May 6 to June 2, 2017)
Mary Kay Papen
($250, sponsor from Dec. 8-12, 2017)
Here’s information about our 2017 grant funding:
Fund for Investigative Journalism
NMPolitics.net has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism to examine, in 2017, Southern New Mexico’s inadequate behavioral health system and explore solutions.
Here’s our year-to-date list of donors, which we keep updated as new donations come in:
Date of donation | Name | City, state | Amount |
1.1.17 | James Hickerson | Cedar Crest, NM | $50 |
1.1.17 | Aaron Henry Diaz | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
1.1.17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
1.1.17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
1.2.17 | Debra Darby | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
1.2.17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.2.17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
1.3.17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.3.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
1.3.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
1.6.17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.7.17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $5 |
1.8.17 | Emanuele Corso | Peñasco, NM | $5 |
1.8.17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.9.17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.9.17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.10.17 | Deana Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
1.10.17 | Charles MacQuigg | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
1.10.17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
1.10.17 | John Peterson | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
1.10.17 | Micaela Cadena | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
1.10.17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
1.10.17 | Peter Ossorio | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
1.10.17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $10 |
1.10.17 | Mark Fleisher | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
1.10.17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.11.17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
1.12.17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
1.12.17 | Mike Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $300 |
1.14.17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
1.15.17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.15.17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.16.17 | Scot Key | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
1.17.17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
1.17.17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
1.18.17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.20.17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
1.20.17 | Patrick Hayes | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.21.17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
1.21.17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.21.17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.22.17 | Ray and Carol Pittman | Datil, NM | $10 |
1.22.17 | Kenneth Baumann | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
1.23.17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
1.23.17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.24.17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.24.17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
1.25.17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
1.25.17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
1.26.17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.26.17 | Tito Meyer | Las Cruces, NM | $120 |
1.26.17 | Geraldine Hutchins | Rio Rancho, NM | $20 |
1.26.17 | Mark Corey | Santa Fe, NM | $20 |
1.27.17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
1.27.17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
1.27.17 | Myles Culbertson | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
1.28.17 | Graciela Unguez | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
1.29.17 | Connie Chapman | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
1.29.17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
1.29.17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
1.29.17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
1.30.17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
1.30.17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
2.1.17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
2.1.17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
2.1.17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
2.1.17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
2.1.17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
2.1.17 | Daniel Kim | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
2.1.17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
2.2.17 | Daniela Glick | Washington, D.C. | $20 |
2.2.17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.2.17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
2.3.17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.3.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.3.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.6.17 | Rebecca Leppala | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.6.17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.7.17 | Frances Varela | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.7.17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $5 |
2.8.17 | Emanuele Corso | Peñasco, NM | $5 |
2.8.17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.9.17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.9.17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.9.17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.10.17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.10.17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.10.17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
2.10.17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.10.17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
2.11.17 | Peter St. Cyr | Albuquerque, NM | $26 |
2.12.17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
2.13.17 | Owen Whooley | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
2.14.17 | Paul Culkin | Rio Rancho, NM | $5 |
2.14.17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
2.15.17 | Deb Darby | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.15.17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.15.17 | Carlos Lopez | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.15.17 | Susan Fitzgerald | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
2.15.17 | Veronica Ontiveros | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
2.15.17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
2.15.17 | Deanne Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.16.17 | Mike Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
2.16.17 | Black Sand Neuropsychological Services, Inc | Hilo, Hawaii | $100 |
2.16.17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
2.17.17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.17.17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
2.17.17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.18.17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.18.17 | Melissa Castor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.18.17 | Karen Boylan | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
2.19.17 | Larry Gioannini | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
2.20.17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
2.20.17 | Patrick Hayes | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.21.17 | John Grogan | Roswell, NM | $25 |
2.21.17 | Kathryn Sanchez | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
2.21.17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
2.21.17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.21.17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.23.17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
2.23.17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.23.17 | Sharon Smock | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
2.24.17 | Ben Lewinger | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
2.24.17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.24.17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
2.24.17 | Arthur Alpert | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
2.24.17 | Harry Teague | Hobbs, NM | $1,000 |
2.24.17 | Linda McCamley | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
2.25.17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
2.25.17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
2.25.17 | Bill McCamley | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
2.25.17 | Linda Lockett | Placitas, NM | $110 |
2.26.17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.26.17 | Max Mastellone | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
2.27.17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
2.27.17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
2.28.17 | Connie Chapman | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
2.28.17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
2.28.17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
2.28.17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
2.28.17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
2.28.17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
3.1.17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
3.1.17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
3.1.17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
3.1.17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
3.1.17 | Vesta Henry | Gallup, NM | $100 |
3.2.17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.2.17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
3.3.17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.3.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.3.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.3.17 | Mike Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $200 |
3.4.17 | Allen Stenger | Boulder, CO | $500 |
3.4.17 | Ellen Jaffe Castello | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
3.5.17 | Mimi Stewart | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
3.5.17 | Joyce Davidson | White Rock, NM | $60 |
3.5.17 | Patricia Phillips | Los Ranchos, NM | $50 |
3.5.17 | Kathleen Pass | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.6.17 | Charles Bonacci | Las Cruces, NM | $60 |
3.6.17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.7.17 | Carla Freeman | $100 | |
3.7.17 | John Robertson | Placitas, NM | $100 |
3.7.17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $5 |
3.8.17 | Emanuele Corso | Peñasco, NM | $5 |
3.8.17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.9.17 | Patricia Cutler | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
3.9.17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.9.17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.9.17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.10.17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.10.17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
3.10.17 | Amanda Hargis | Villanueva, NM | $40 |
3.10.17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.11.17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
3.12.17 | Kevin Brennan | Santa Fe, NM | $50 |
3.12.17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
3.12.17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
3.14.17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
3.15.17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.15.17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
3.15.17 | Erin Muffoletto | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
3.16.17 | Fred Williams | Deming, NM | $75 |
3.16.17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
3.16.17 | George Pabst | Albuquerque, NM | $35 |
3.16.17 | Bernice Baca | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
3.16.17 | Virginia Murphy | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
3.16.17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
3.16.17 | Peter Ossorio | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
3.17.17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.17.17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.17.17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.18.17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.20.17 | Jack Rokowski Enterprises | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
3.20.17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
3.20.17 | Patrick Hayes | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.21.17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
3.21.17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.21.17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.22.17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.22.17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.23.17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
3.23.17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.24.17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.24.17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
3.25.17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.25.17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
3.26.17 | John L. Jones and Janice Arnold-Jones | Albuquerque, NM | $250 |
3.26.17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.27.17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
3.27.17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
3.28.17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
3.28.17 | Nicholas Evans | Farmington, NM | $5 |
3.28.17 | Nick and Erica Voges | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
3.28.17 | Bob Perls | Corrales, NM | $25 |
3.28.17 | Connie Chapman | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.28.17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Santa Fe, NM | $20 |
3.28.17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
3.28.17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
3.29.17 | Mary Schmidt-Nowara | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
3.30.17 | George Palmer | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
3.30.17 | Jerry Schickedanz | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
3.30.17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
3.30.17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
3.31.17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.31.17 | Steve Montaño | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
3.31.17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
3.31.17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
3.31.17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
3.31.17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
4.1.17 | Fred Nathan | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
4.1.17 | Avelina Bardwell | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
4.1.17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
4.1.17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
4.1.17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
4.1.17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
4.2.17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4.2.17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
4.2.17 | Jarratt Applewhite | Lamy, NM | $100 |
4.3.17 | Rodolfo Acosta | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
4.3.17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4.5.17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
4.6.17 | Jane Asche | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
4.6.17 | Carl and Penny Baldwin | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
4.6.17 | Steve Fischmann | Mesilla Park, NM | $200 |
4.6.17 | Keith Fife | White Rock, NM | $500 |
4.6.17 | Carmen Lopez | Farmington, NM | $30 |
4.6.17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4.8.17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
4.8.17 | Emanuele Corso | Peñasco, NM | $5 |
4.8.17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4.9.17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4.9.17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4.9.17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4.10.17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4.10.17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
4.11.17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
4/11/17 | Marissa Padilla | Washington, D.C. | $150 |
4/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/11/17 | Bryant Furlow | Albuquerque, NM | $150 |
4/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
4/13/17 | Javier MartÃnez | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
4/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
4/14/17 | Xochitl Torres | Las Cruces, NM | $150 |
4/14/17 | Rosanna Cordova | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
4/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
4/14/17 | Michael LaTorra | Palm Beach, FL | $10 |
4/14/17 | Caroline Buerkle | Rio Rancho, NM | $500 |
4/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
4/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
4/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
4/17/17 | Mike Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $350 |
4/17/17 | Terry Brunner | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
4/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/17/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
4/20/17 | Amber Wallin | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
4/20/17 | Nancy C. Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $20 |
4/20/17 | Don and Jo Nash | Las Cruces, NM | $60 |
4/20/17 | Heather Whitley | Livermore, Calif. | $20 |
4/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
4/20/17 | Teresa Tenorio | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
4/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
4/21/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
4/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/22/17 | Suzan Strong | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
4/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/22/17 | Kimberly Walker | Santa Fe, NM | $20 |
4/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
4/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
4/24/17 | Diane Denish | Albuquerque, NM | $200 |
4/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
4/24/17 | Tyler Benting | Deming, NM | $150 |
4/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
4/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
4/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/27/17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
4/27/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
4/27/17 | Rita Triviz | Las Cruces, NM | $32 |
4/28/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/28/17 | Nicholas Evans | Farmington, NM | $5 |
4/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
4/28/17 | Kathleen M. Mezoff | Gallup, NM | $20 |
4/28/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
4/28/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
4/28/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
4/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
4/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
4/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
4/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
4/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
4/30/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
4/30/17 | Randy Harris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/1/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
5/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
5/1/17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
5/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
5/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/3/17 | Karyl Ann Armbruster | Los Alamos, NM | $25 |
5/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
5/5/17 | Cason Reily | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/6/17 | Sharon Smock | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/8/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
5/8/17 | Emanuele Corso | Peñasco, NM | $5 |
5/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/8/17 | Sharon Smock | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
5/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/9/17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/10/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
5/10/17 | Judith A. Ameriks | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
5/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
5/11/17 | Julie Hicks | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
5/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
5/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
5/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
5/12/17 | Susan E. Small | Los Lunas, NM | $30 |
5/12/17 | Ray and Carol Pittman | Datil, NM | $10 |
5/12/17 | Graciela Unguez | Las Cruces, NM | $200 |
5/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
5/12/17 | Bob Libby | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/13/17 | Rebecca Leppala | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
5/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
5/14/17 | Elaine Gere | Santa Fe, NM | $25 |
5/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
5/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
5/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/17/17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $120 |
5/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/19/17 | Algernon D’Ammassa | Deming, NM | $10 |
5/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
5/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
5/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/21/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
5/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
5/23/17 | Andres Perez | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/23/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
5/24/17 | Deborah Busemeyer | Santa Fe, NM | $50 |
5/25/17 | Randy Harris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
5/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
5/25/17 | Laura Bryant | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/25/17 | Grant Taylor | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
5/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/26/17 | Nan Rubin | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
5/27/17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
5/27/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
5/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/28/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
5/28/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
5/28/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
5/28/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
5/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
5/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
5/30/17 | Candice McDonald | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
5/30/17 | Sarah Gustavus | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
5/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
5/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
5/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
5/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
5/31/17 | Norty Kalishman | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
5/31/17 | Karen Trujillo | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
5/31/17 | Judith Fife | Los Alamos, NM | $150 |
5/31/17 | Jocelyn Apodaca | Los Angeles, CA | $30 |
5/31/17 | Ray Jaramillo | Las Cruces, NM | $12 |
5/31/17 | Katlyne Silva | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
5/31/17 | Kendyce Manguchei | Sacramento, CA | $12 |
5/31/17 | Elaine Baumgartel | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
5/31/17 | Alex Tapia | Santa Fe, NM | $12 |
6/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
6/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
6/1/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
6/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
6/1/17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
6/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
6/2/17 | Byron Marshall | Hobbs, NM | $100 |
6/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
6/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/8/17 | Emanuele Corso | Peñasco, NM | $5 |
6/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/9/17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
6/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
6/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
6/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
6/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
6/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
6/12/17 | Black Sand Neuropsychological Services, Inc | Hilo, HI | $100 |
6/13/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
6/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
6/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
6/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
6/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
6/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
6/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
6/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/20/17 | Ron Fenn | Truth or Consequences, NM | $20 |
6/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/21/17 | James Rosenthal | Las Cruces, NM | $125 |
6/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
6/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
6/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/22/17 | Jerry Schickedanz | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
6/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
6/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
6/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
6/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
6/25/17 | Randy Harris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/27/17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
6/27/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
6/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/27/17 | Trish Ruiz | Hobbs, NM | $50 |
6/27/17 | Black Sand Neuropsychological Services, Inc | Hilo, HI | $100 |
6/27/17 | Cyndy Roy | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
6/27/17 | Ernesto Garcia | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
6/28/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
6/28/17 | Brett Henderson | Las Cruces, NM | $1,000 |
6/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
6/28/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
6/28/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
6/28/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
6/29/17 | Roberta Salazar-Henry | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
6/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
6/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
6/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
6/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
6/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
6/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
6/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
6/30/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
7/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
7/1/17 | Carl and Penny Baldwin | Santa Fe, NM | $50 |
7/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
7/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
7/1/17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
7/1/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
7/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/3/17 | Tracey Kimball and Thomas Day | Santa Fe, NM | $50 |
7/4/17 | Susan E. Small | Los Lunas, NM | $30 |
7/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
7/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/6/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/7/17 | Michelle Springer | Rio Rancho, NM | $20 |
7/7/17 | Kathryn Ray | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
7/7/17 | Adrian Telles | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
7/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/9/17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
7/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
7/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
7/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
7/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
7/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
7/12/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
7/13/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
7/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
7/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
7/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
7/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
7/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
7/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
7/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
7/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/20/17 | Ron Fenn | Truth or Consequences, NM | $20 |
7/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/21/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
7/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
7/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
7/23/17 | Lindsey Haussamen | Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. | $10 |
7/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
7/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
7/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
7/25/17 | Carol Latham | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/26/17 | John Bloom | Las Cruces, NM | $100 |
7/27/17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
7/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/28/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
7/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
7/29/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
7/29/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
7/29/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
7/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
7/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
7/30/17 | Ken Miyagishima | Las Cruces, NM | $75 |
7/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
7/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
7/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
7/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
7/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
7/30/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
7/31/17 | Karyl Ann Armbruster | Los Alamos, NM | $50 |
8/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
8/1/17 | Randy Harris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/1/17 | William Corbett | Las Cruces, NM | $40 |
8/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
8/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
8/1/17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
8/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
8/2/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
8/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
8/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
8/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
8/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
8/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
8/12/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
8/12/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
8/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
8/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
8/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/15/17 | Jayme Rubenstein | San Diego, CA | $25 |
8/15/17 | Christopher Bardey | Las Cruces, NM | $40 |
8/15/17 | Amber Wallin | Albuquerque, NM | $30 |
8/15/17 | Mimi Stewart | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
8/15/17 | Jarratt Applewhite | Lamy, NM | $100 |
8/15/17 | Bruce McKinney | Silver City, NM | $50 |
8/15/17 | Kathleen M. Mezoff | Gallup, NM | $30 |
8/15/17 | Josefina Dominguez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/15/17 | John Griffith | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
8/15/17 | Kathy Smith | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
8/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
8/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
8/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
8/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
8/16/17 | Terry Schleder | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/19/17 | April Fletcher | Tijeras, NM | $20 |
8/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
8/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
8/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
8/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
8/20/17 | Ron Fenn | Truth or Consequences, NM | $20 |
8/20/17 | William Harry | Addison, Texas | $5 |
8/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
8/23/17 | Lindsey Haussamen | Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. | $10 |
8/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
8/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
8/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
8/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/25/17 | Amanda Hargis | Villanueva, NM | $10 |
8/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/27/17 | Liliana Castillo | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
8/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/27/17 | Rachel Sams | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
8/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
8/28/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
8/29/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
8/29/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
8/29/17 | VisionBroadcast Media LLC | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
8/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
8/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
8/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
8/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
8/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
8/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
8/30/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
9/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
9/1/17 | Randy Harris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/1/17 | Trica Willey Hazelton | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
9/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
9/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
9/1/17 | Fred Sisneros | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
9/2/17 | Lee Ann Rael | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
9/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
9/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
9/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/7/17 | Susan E. Small | Los Lunas, NM | $30 |
9/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
9/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
9/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
9/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
9/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
9/12/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
9/12/17 | Larry Gioannini | Las Cruces, NM | $200 |
9/13/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
9/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
9/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/14/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
9/15/17 | Carl and Penny Baldwin | Santa Fe, NM | $50 |
9/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
9/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/15/17 | Josefina Dominguez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
9/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
9/16/17 | Terry Schleder | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
9/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
9/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
9/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/20/17 | Ron Fenn | Truth or Consequences, NM | $20 |
9/20/17 | William Harry | Addison, Texas | $5 |
9/20/17 | Linda Siegle | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
9/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
9/21/17 | Amy Orlando | Santa Fe, NM | $40 |
9/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/22/17 | Karen Trujillo | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
9/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
9/23/17 | Lindsey Haussamen | Rancho Cucamonga, CA | $10 |
9/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
9/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
9/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
9/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/27/17 | Rachel Sams | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/27/17 | Michael Swickard | Las Cruces, NM | $365 |
9/27/17 | Jeff Lahann | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
9/27/17 | Martin Kretzmann | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/27/17 | Edan Luschei | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/28/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/28/17 | James Hickerson | Cedar Crest, NM | $15 |
9/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
9/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
9/28/17 | Ben Lewinger | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
9/28/17 | John Masterson | Truth or Consequences, NM | $50 |
9/29/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
9/29/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
9/29/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
9/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
9/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
9/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
9/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
9/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
9/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
9/30/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
10/1/17 | Randy Harris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/1/17 | Fred Nathan | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
10/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
10/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
10/5/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
10/5/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/6/17 | J.R. Brown | Albuquerque, NM | $60 |
10/6/17 | Mike Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $500 |
10/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/8/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
10/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
10/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
10/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
10/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
10/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
10/12/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
10/12/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
10/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/14/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
10/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/15/17 | Josefina Dominguez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
10/16/17 | Terry Schleder | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/17/17 | Shirl Casner | Cochiti Lake, NM | $100 |
10/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/18/17 | Brett Henderson | Las Cruces, NM | $1,000 |
10/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
10/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
10/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
10/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/20/17 | Ron Fenn | Truth or Consequences, NM | $20 |
10/20/17 | William Harry | Addison, Texas | $5 |
10/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/22/17 | Karen Trujillo | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
10/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
10/23/17 | Lindsey Haussamen | Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. | $10 |
10/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
10/24/17 | Jarratt Applewhite | Lamy, NM | $200 |
10/24/17 | Peter Ossorio | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
10/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
10/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
10/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/27/17 | Rachel Sams | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/27/17 | Jeff Lahann | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
10/27/17 | Martin Kretzmann | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/27/17 | Edan Luschei | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/28/17 | James Hickerson | Cedar Crest, NM | $15 |
10/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
10/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
10/29/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
10/29/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/29/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
10/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
10/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
10/31/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/31/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
10/31/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
10/31/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
10/31/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
10/31/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
10/31/17 | James Madden | Taos, NM | $60 |
10/31/17 | Timothy G. Parker | Las Cruces, NM | $250 |
11/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
11/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
11/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Saanta Fe, NM | $5 |
11/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
11/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/4/17 | Chrislynn Craig | $5 | |
11/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
11/5/17 | Lynda Thompson | Truth or Consequences, NM | $60 |
11/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/6/17 | Sarah Silva | Las Cruces, NM | $210 |
11/6/17 | Cyndy Roy | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
11/6/17 | David Giron | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
11/6/17 | Bernie Digman | Las Cruces, NM | $300 |
11/6/17 | Teresa Tenorio | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
11/6/17 | Stephanie and Adrian Telles | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
11/6/17 | Sally Williams | Mesilla, NM | $10 |
11/6/17 | Michelle Springer | Rio Rancho, NM | $5 |
11/6/17 | Steven Torrez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/6/17 | Daniel Libit | Chicago, Ill | $250 |
11/6/17 | Kris McNeil | Corrales, NM | $20 |
11/7/17 | Julie Ann Grimm | Santa Fe, NM | $25 |
11/7/17 | Algernon D’Ammassa | Deming, NM | $10 |
11/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/8/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
11/8/17 | Malcolm McCollumn | Colorado Springs, CO | $25 |
11/8/17 | Neil Sherer | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
11/10/17 | Renee Beltran | Mesilla, NM | $5 |
11/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
11/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
11/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
11/11/17 | Phillip Born | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/12/17 | Susan E. Small | Los Lunas, NM | $30 |
11/12/17 | Susan Fitzgerald | Las Cruces, NM | $150 |
11/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
11/12/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
11/12/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
11/14/17 | Sophie Martin | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/14/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
11/14/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
11/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/15/17 | Josefina Dominguez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
11/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
11/16/17 | Terry Schleder | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/16/17 | Samantha Cicero | $45 | |
11/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/17/17 | Meg Freyermuth | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/18/17 | Bryant Furlow | Albuquerque, NM | $150 |
11/18/17 | Bennett Andres | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
11/18/17 | Samuel LeDoux | Los Alamos, NM | $5 |
11/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
11/19/17 | Patricia Phillips | Los Ranchos, NM | $50 |
11/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
11/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
11/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/20/17 | William Harry | Addison, Texas | $5 |
11/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
11/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/22/17 | Karen Trujillo | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
11/22/17 | Kippur Flax | Albuquerque, NM | $30 |
11/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
11/24/17 | Lindsey Haussamen | Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. | $10 |
11/24/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
11/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
11/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
11/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/25/17 | Lacey Haussamen | South Bend, Ind. | $5 |
11/26/17 | Ray and Carol Pittman | Datil, NM | $10 |
11/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/27/17 | Rachel Sams | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/27/17 | Martin Kretzmann | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/27/17 | Edan Luschei | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/28/17 | James Hickerson | Cedar Crest, NM | $15 |
11/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
11/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
11/28/17 | Jeff Lahann | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
11/28/17 | Black Sand Neuropsychological Services, Inc | Hilo, HI | $100 |
11/28/17 | Norty Kalishman | Albuquerque, NM | $100 |
11/28/17 | Marie C. Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/28/17 | Marjorie Childress | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/28/17 | Claudia Piper | La Mesa, NM | $200 |
11/28/17 | Dede Feldman | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
11/28/17 | GETright Copyediting | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/28/17 | Margaret Reed | Albuquerque, NM | $25 |
11/28/17 | Jarratt Applewhite | Lamy, NM | $100 |
11/28/17 | Linda Lockett | Placitas, NM | $100 |
11/28/17 | Cody Hooks | Taos, NM | $10 |
11/29/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
11/29/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
11/29/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
11/29/17 | April Fletcher | Tijeras, NM | $20 |
11/29/17 | Jordan Lavender-Smith | Norman, OK | $20 |
11/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
11/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
11/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
11/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
11/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
11/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
11/30/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/1/17 | Vesta Henry | Gallup, NM | $100 |
12/1/17 | Nancy Laird | Rio Rancho, NM | $10 |
12/1/17 | Louis Thorp | Hobbs, NM | $10 |
12/1/17 | John Whitbeck | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/1/17 | James Rosenthal | Las Cruces, NM | $200 |
12/2/17 | Jeff Lahann | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
12/2/17 | Paul Maxwell | Santa Teresa, NM | $5 |
12/3/17 | Peter Voris | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/4/17 | Chrislynn Craig | $5 | |
12/4/17 | Don Kurtz | Las Cruces, NM | $120 |
12/5/17 | Avelina Bardwell | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
12/5/17 | Claudia Anderson | Farmington, NM | $10 |
12/6/17 | Robert Lozano | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/6/17 | Cyndy Roy | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
12/6/17 | Sally Williams | Mesilla, NM | $10 |
12/6/17 | Michelle Springer | Rio Rancho, NM | $5 |
12/6/17 | Steven Torrez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/6/17 | Loretta Hall | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/6/17 | Nancy McLendon | $60 | |
12/8/17 | David Morgan | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/8/17 | Alexander Cotoia | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
12/8/17 | Neil Sherer | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/8/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $10 |
12/9/17 | Luanne Greene | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/9/17 | Nancy Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/10/17 | Virginia Scharff | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/10/17 | Pamela Fife | Shelton, WA | $10 |
12/10/17 | Renee Beltran | Mesilla, NM | $5 |
12/11/17 | Jess Williams | Las Cruces, NM | $250 |
12/11/17 | Erin Taylor | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/11/17 | W.T. Barnhouse III | La Union, NM | $10 |
12/11/17 | Nayomi Valdez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/11/17 | Del Hansen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
12/11/17 | Kathie and Greg Lennes | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
12/11/17 | Phillip Born | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/11/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
12/12/17 | Ricky and Emily Luna | Las Cruces, NM | $50 |
12/12/17 | Joe Cardillo | Albuquerque, NM | $15 |
12/12/17 | Cassie McClure | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/13/17 | John Landrum | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
12/13/17 | Jason Watkins | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
12/13/17 | Pat Bellestri-Martinez | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
12/14/17 | Sharon Thomas | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/14/17 | Tom and Lisa Murphy | Las Cruces, NM | $25 |
12/14/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/14/17 | Frank DuBois | Mesilla Park, NM | $100 |
12/14/17 | Linda Pafford | San Lorenzo, NM | $10 |
12/14/17 | Nathan Winger | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/15/17 | Jenny Barrera | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/15/17 | Kevin Bixby | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/15/17 | Melissa Miller-Byrnes | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/15/17 | Josefina Dominguez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/15/17 | Mick McMahan | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
12/16/17 | Trace Rabern | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/16/17 | Travis Galey | Arlington, VA | $5 |
12/16/17 | Terry Schleder | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/17/17 | Richard L. Wood | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/17/17 | Kay Bird | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/18/17 | Mari Langford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/19/17 | Tom Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $15 |
12/19/17 | Samantha Cicero | $5 | |
12/19/17 | Howie Morales | Silver City, NM | $100 |
12/20/17 | Patrick Hayes | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
12/20/17 | Denise Tessier | Cedar Crest, NM | $5 |
12/20/17 | Augustine Baca | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/20/17 | William Harry | Addison, Texas | $5 |
12/20/17 | Javier Martinez | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
12/21/17 | Brian Colón | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/21/17 | Jerry Nachison | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/21/17 | Elisa Cundiff | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/21/17 | Charles Goodmacher | Rio Rancho, NM | $20 |
12/21/17 | Bill Varuola | Fairacres, NM | $50 |
12/21/17 | Cynthia Pacheco | $15 | |
12/22/17 | Edward Risser | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/22/17 | Colin Baillio | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/22/17 | Carol Tuck | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/22/17 | Scott Forrester | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/22/17 | Amanda Bradford | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/22/17 | Karen Trujillo | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
12/23/17 | Johnny Osborn | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/23/17 | Helen Wertheim | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
12/23/17 | Lindsey Haussamen | Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. | $10 |
12/23/17 | Kelly Jameson | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/23/17 | Peter Ossorio | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
12/23/17 | Mike Johnson | Santa Fe, NM | $1,600 |
12/24/17 | Gabriel Vasquez | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/24/17 | Cindy Madrid | Socorro, NM | $3 |
12/24/17 | Mark Fleisher | Albuquerque, NM | $50 |
12/25/17 | Elizabeth Schirmer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/25/17 | Thomas Samuels | Old Mystic, Conn. | $5 |
12/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $20 |
12/25/17 | Ray Wilkinson | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/25/17 | Lacey Haussamen | South Bend, Ind. | $5 |
12/26/17 | Angelica Rubio | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/26/17 | Johana Bencomo | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/26/17 | Linda Siegle | Santa Fe, NM | $100 |
12/27/17 | Michael Huerta | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/27/17 | Rachel Sams | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/27/17 | Martin Kretzmann | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/27/17 | Edan Luschei | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/28/17 | James Hickerson | Cedar Crest, NM | $15 |
12/28/17 | Dawn Hommer | Las Cruces, NM | $5 |
12/28/17 | Deanna Baker | Las Cruces, NM | $15 |
12/28/17 | Jeff Lahann | Las Cruces, NM | $30 |
12/29/17 | Wally and Carol Haussamen | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
12/29/17 | Ward Freeman | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/29/17 | Patrick Doyle | El Paso, Texas | $5 |
12/29/17 | George Pearson | Las Cruces, NM | $20 |
12/30/17 | Elizabeth Bustamante | Socorro, NM | $10 |
12/30/17 | Leslie and Amy Buckman | Magnolia, Texas | $25 |
12/30/17 | Eric Griego | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/30/17 | Richard Ruddy | Albuquerque, NM | $5 |
12/30/17 | Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Santa Fe, NM | $10 |
12/30/17 | Nancy Hudson | Las Cruces, NM | $10 |
12/30/17 | Marla Painter | Albuquerque, NM | $10 |
12/30/17 | Sunil Sakhalkar | Santa Fe, NM | $5 |
12/31/17 | Mary Costello | Tesuque, NM | $1,000 |
12/31/17 | Brian Moore | Clayton, NM | $250 |
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