COMMENTARY: It’s been invigorating and exhausting to watch this primary season. There have been so many words at all levels, forums locally and us watching those supported by the sheriff in action. Primaries are ending. There is noise and violence at national levels; so far, just noise locally.

Courtesy photo
Jerry Nachison
Voter turnout is key for our June primaries, and in November. Will we have the most apathetic voters in our history — at all levels — or not?
Clearly it’s too early to definitively say. Voter turnout in the United States is currently amongst the lowest in the entire developed world. In the last presidential election, only 53 percent of Americans voted, according to the U.S. Census. Local is worse. We are shamed by European turnout levels. We all know what some of the most-stated reasons for not voting are, e.g: “My vote won’t make a difference;” “politicians ignore us;” “change won’t happen, regardless;” and so on.
The percentage of Doña Ana County citizens voting in November 2014 was under 20 percent. The fewer voters who turn out, the less likely citizen interests will prevail. Low turnout proves the “common knowledge” reasons stated above. Change is in the air, both good and bad, and voting is critical.
June 7 is here — and Nov. 8 is coming. We have important county, state representative, state senator, congressional, and presidential elections. Democracy means getting out and voting for your candidates.
Jodie and I have both voted early. Get up and respond to the “get out the vote” campaigns in Doña Ana County. Let’s beat 2014. Please turn out; it’s important to you — for the county, state and for national-level candidates.
“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves — and the only way they could do this is by not voting at all.” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jerry Nachison is a 10-year Las Cruces resident who is active in local politics and nonprofits. He’s a retired social/housing gerontologist.