A screen shot of video showing N.M. Gov. Susana Martinez introducing Marco Rubio in Wichita, Kansas on Friday.
A day after endorsing Marco Rubio for president, N.M. Gov. Susana Martinez introduced the GOP hopeful at a rally in Wichita, Kansas, calling him “the leader that we need right now.”
The governor told some personal stories that would be familiar to many New Mexicans. She also took shots at Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, and Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner.
“We need to have faith in our leaders — and Marco Rubio, Hillary doesn’t want to have anything to do with,” Martinez said. “But I’ll tell you something, Marco Rubio is going to be the next president of the United States, and Hillary better be scared of that.”
Martinez’s endorsement is part of a last-ditch effort by many in the GOP establishment to stop Trump and, if successful, ensure that Rubio, not Ted Cruz, gets the nomination instead.
You can watch Martinez’s introduction and Rubio’s speech in Kansas here:
Martinez will also campaign with Rubio in Florida on Saturday.