COMMENTARY: Politicians often have sophisticated spin machines. Former Gov. Bill Richardson’s was formidable. But Gov. Susana Martinez takes it to a new level.

Heath Haussamen
After a judge slapped the Public Education Department (PED) with a fine earlier this month for failing to respond to a records request in a timely manner, the Martinez administration was, as usual, on message.
The public-records fight is part of war over the governor’s controversial teacher-evaluation system, which relies heavily on student test scores. Martinez has repeatedly said we needed a new system because the old found 99 percent of teachers effective.
The National Education Association sought documents to back up the 99-percent figure. PED took months to respond, then referenced a study it didn’t release.
After being busted for illegal secrecy, PED spokesman Robert McEntyre changed the subject: “The fact remains that under the old, broken system, 99 percent of teachers were rated effective even though only half of our kids were proficient in reading and math,” the Albuquerque Journal quoted him as saying.
The problem? PED can’t back up that alleged “fact.”
The 99-percent figure “came from a study done by the University of New Mexico,” a letter from PED to the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government states. But PED “no longer has a copy of the study,” the letter states.
The sunshine group’s Susan Boe said it best: “When public officials cite statistics in official speeches or comments, they should be prepared to quickly produce the facts that back up their statements.”
That would require transparency and willingness to engage in substantive public-policy discussion.
Instead, in our polarized times, too many politicians spout superficial talking points and dodge transparency. Richardson claimed in 2010 to have no records related to 59 exempt employees he fired. The attorney general called that “implausible.” The media called Richardson out.
In other words, we didn’t believe him.
The Martinez Administration more effectively infuses its spin into our collective consciousness.
Martinez’s Human Services Department (HSD) insisted in 2013 that federal regulations required it to freeze Medicaid funds to 15 behavioral health agencies during an investigation.
New Mexico In Depth (NMID), where I was working, showed that the state could have chosen to not abruptly halt funding. The payment freeze threw into chaos a system that aids tens of thousands of vulnerable citizens.
Rather than owning up to the turmoil it created, the Martinez Administration continued blaming the feds. Even after we reported the truth, HSD repeated the same line over and over. Many news organizations continued spreading the spin without question.
Meanwhile, HSD refused to answer many questions. NMID filed dozens of records requests as we sought to understand the agency’s actions. Some requests remain unanswered to this day. HSD instead deflected, complaining about our requests on Twitter.
Today there are fewer reporters working at a more frantic pace and, as a result, doing journalism that’s sometimes superficial. It’s difficult to keep up with a politician whose messaging is clear, consistent, firm and well-funded – even when it’s disingenuous and superficial.
The Martinez administration knows this. So it repeats lines over and over. Martinez political committees spread messages with paid ads and mailers. The spin becomes part of the air we breathe.
It’s really frustrating. People need access to information about their government’s actions. They deserve government that engages in substantive discussion to help them form educated opinions and act accordingly.
When government hides information and disseminates spin, as the Martinez administration has done, we have something closer to social control.