NMPolitics.net re-launches this week with a focus on doing journalism that fosters conversation and builds community.

Heath Haussamen
With that in mind, we’re publishing a story about political labels that’s based on a discussion I had with some of you on Facebook. We’ll be running several guest columns.
Look for a commentary I wrote about Southern New Mexico’s potential and Q&As with the chairs of the state Democratic and Republican parties. And we’ll soon publish an article on the intersection of race and politics in New Mexico.
Each of those posts could lead to additional conversations on our website and social media that could be the source of additional articles that help us delve deeper into important topics.
Let’s build this community and see where the conversation goes! Join in by commenting on articles, liking NMPolitics.net on Facebook, following us on Twitter, and signing up to receive our emails. If you’re interested, learn more about writing a guest column.
And if you value the community we’re building and the journalism we’re doing, make a donation or become a sponsor.
Welcome to the new NMPolitics.net!