Jesus "Ruben" Segura
Earlier this week, former Sunland Park Mayor Jesus “Ruben” Segura referred to a city document that took issue with a damning 2003 special audit.
He wrote this about the 72-page document:
“In our response, the city legally questioned the credibility of the audit because it did not adhere to the U.S. GAAP (General Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States) as required in § NMAC (2003). In addition, the city also legally contested over 70 percent of the audit finding as factually incorrect.
“The audit’s discrepancies not only included substantive failures, but procedural ones as well. The audit failed to follow the New Mexico Audit Act and the state auditor’s own regulations, in an apparent procedural due-process rights violation under the N.M. Constitution and the U.S. Constitution as well.”
I pledged to try to obtain a copy of that document and post it online. Through a records request to the State Auditor’s Office, I was able to obtain it.
You can read it here.