Ron Paul
Though Mitt Romney has pretty much locked up the GOP nomination for president, Ron Paul is still running for president, and he was in El Paso on Wednesday.
From the El Paso Times:
“Paul, 76, of Texas, spread his message of protecting individual freedoms, limiting government and withdrawing American troops abroad before a crowd of more than 1,000 people Wednesday at the University of Texas at El Paso’s Magoffin Auditorium.
“Of the remaining Republicans competing for their party’s nomination, Paul has won the support of the fewest delegates, 79, while front-runner Mitt Romney has 844 delegate votes and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has 137, according to The Associated Press. Gingrich’s campaign announced Wednesday that he would soon suspend his bid for president.
“‘It’s to have a presence now, the best presence we can at the convention,’ Paul said in an interview Wednesday. ‘This past weekend, we were doing exceptionally well. We’re starting to win the chairmanships of some in the Republican Party, so we’re really changing the structure of the Republican Party as well as participating in the campaign.’”
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