Nelson Spear
I read with dismay the recent news that Pat Robertson has endorsed the legalization of marijuana.
Being a Christian and a former state and federal drug prosecutor, I take issue with Robertson’s stance on the legalization of marijuana. I disagree with Robertson that the war on drugs costs too much money.
While no war should be taken on without considering the costs of that war, we must consider what is at stake if we do not fight the war on drugs. During my experience as a prosecutor, I have not encountered anyone whose success in life was enhanced by the use of marijuana or any other recreational drug. On the other hand, I have encountered hundreds whose lives were decimated by the use of marijuana.
Mr. Robertson has fought bravely for many years for the hearts and lives of the families of America. Perhaps at age 81 he is too fatigued by the battle to see that the battle has not been lost but is still ongoing, and that it is worth continuing the fight.
Mr. Robertson, if you are tired of fighting on behalf of our children, our families and our country, hand someone else your sword and let them carry on the battle to the enemy!
Spear, who now lives in Midland, Texas, holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from S.M.U. and a law degree from Washburn University School of Law. His career includes 12 years as a prosecuting attorney and serving as a full-time commissioner on the New Mexico Gaming Control Board. Currently, Nelson co-operates a family owned oil and gas business with his brother.