House Speaker Ben Luján, shown here in early 2011
In what may be his final days presiding over the N.M. House during a legislative session, Speaker Ben Luján, who isn’t seeking re-election because of a long battle with cancer, is “focusing on the present,” the Albuquerque Journal is reporting.
From the newspaper:
“…speculation about whether the Nambé Democrat would be able to withstand the grind of the 30-day session has been proved largely moot, as Lujan has not missed a day at his familiar spot in front of the House of Representatives.
“In comments made Friday on the floor of the House, the speaker attributed his ability to keep working to divine intervention of sorts.
“‘The good Lord, I feel, has been in my presence and allowed me to be here even though I have my illness,’ Lujan said. ‘It seems like being here with you all is a therapy that I enjoy.’”
Read the full article here.