State Auditor Hector Balderas
The Public Regulation Commission violated state and federal laws related to employees’ and commissioners’ use of state vehicles and gas cards, state Auditor Hector Balderas announced today in releasing an audit of the agency.
You can read the full audit here, but here’s how the auditor’s news release summed things up:
“ • In violation of federal tax regulations, the PRC did not keep records that track the business and personal use of government vehicles used by PRC Commissioners and employees. The independent auditor found that the PRC is underreporting fringe benefit income to Commissioners and employees who are commuting in a state vehicle;
“ • Over $30,000 in unauthorized gas purchases and other products may have been made with PRC-issued gas credit cards in fiscal year 2011;
“ • The independent auditor found the PRC violated state law by failing to properly report information to the State Auditor about potential fraudulent gas card charges by former Commissioner Block, which may have unreasonably delayed investigations of wrongful activity at the agency;
“ • 20 persons at the PRC made hundreds of prohibited purchases of premium gas in violation of state regulations;
“ • One Commissioner’s use of a state-owned Ford F-250 truck resulted in questioned costs and was in noncompliance with a federal program. The Commissioner drove the truck for a period approximating 30 days; and
“ • State vehicles were taken out of state in violation of state regulations.”
This was a regular financial audit of the PRC by the firm Atinkson and Co., Ltd. Balderas’ office is also conducting its own, wide-ranging special audit of the PRC that is ongoing.