Occupy protesters cheer at a honking motorist today in Las Cruces. (Photo by Heath Haussamen)
Young, old and in between gathered today in Las Cruces for a peaceful march between Wells Fargo and Bank of America branches
Several dozen people gathered outside the Wells Fargo branch on Telshor Boulevard in Las Cruces today to join the worldwide “Occupy” protests. Here are photographs I took of them.
While I was there, the protesters were peaceful and organized. They chanted the rules they were to follow, including nonviolence, avoiding profanity, and using “trash cans and proper hygiene stations.”
They waved signs at passing vehicles and cheered when motorists honked. They talked with reporters.
Once a large number of people had gathered, the protesters marched south on Telshor to the Bank of America branch a few blocks away.
There were lots of young people and a number of older people, with a few in the middle and children here and there.
Click here for more on Occupy protests held today around the United States and here for those held around the globe. You can also view photos from protests in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Taos, and you can view more photos from Las Cruces here.
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