Aaron Henry Diaz
Aaron Henry Diaz has announced his candidacy for the District 4 seat on the Las Cruces City Council, which is currently held by Nathan Small.
Diaz, who is 24 and involved in small business consulting and construction, said public safety, economic opportunities and government responsibility are his top priorities.
“As I walk District 4, meeting with my neighbors, it has become clear that our district has been ignored for too long,” Diaz said in a news release. “We have a simple message: ‘Don’t ignore District 4.’”
Diaz said public safety has been “shelved as a second or third priority behind special projects by current City Councilor Small and other special interest groups that have influenced some members of the city council.” He wants to increase public safety funding and said “pet” projects must be stopped.
He also said he wants to address a lack of adequate road maintenance and codes enforcement in District 4.
Diaz is a seventh-generation Las Crucen. He said he wants to make the city friendlier for businesses to increase employment opportunities that will help keep the city’s young people here. He said that would also increase the tax base and “help grow and sustain municipal necessities.”
Diaz, an active Republican, has blogged on New Mexico politics since he was 17. He said he’s been active in local politics since he was 12.
“I am excited to reach out to my district, working with different people from all backgrounds in protecting Las Cruces’ cultural identity while promoting a better quality of life for newcomers and locals,” Diaz said. “I want to serve my friends, family and neighbors, and it will be honor to do so in my hometown of Las Cruces.”
The Las Cruces Sun-News reported this weekend that former military member Ryan Dailey is also seeking the District 4 seat. Dailey has not sent a campaign announcement to NMPolitics.net, but his campaign does have a Facebook page.