Bill McCamley
“Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.” – St. Francis of Assisi
Last week, ceremonies commemorating the beginning of a local reading initiative were held at NMSU. Interested people from many walks of life showed up to lend their support, including educators, university administration, politicians and volunteers who would then donate their morning to read with children.
One of the speakers was Bishop Ricardo Ramirez, who talked during his blessing about why the ability to read was so important in understanding the power of God’s love. While his statements were short and expected, they were also profound and exemplified why he will be sorely missed by all of Southern New Mexico when he retires in the near future.
His actions
We have many statements echoing the one given at the beginning of this column. From “actions speak louder than words” to “be the change you wish to see in the world,” we honor those who not only speak well, but lead with the very being of their lives. Bishop Ramirez is one of those people.
While many leaders of faith spend time addressing politically charged, divisive issues like abortion and gay marriage, Bishop Ramirez focuses most of his attention and energy on helping those in our community who have the least voice.
His yearly masses at Mt. Cristo Rey on the border between Mexico and the United States, where at 74 years old he still makes the ascent on foot with everyone else, have always symbolized his advocacy for the basic rights for all people, no matter their nationality. He is known for numerous writings and teachings continually explaining not only how issues such as poverty and a lack of quality health care negatively affect those less fortunate, but also what we can do to alleviate them.
Specifically, two pastoral letters he authored regarding domestic violence and child abuse are widely recognized internationally as brave and insightful pieces addressing issues that few in the Catholic Church had previously discussed openly.
As a county commissioner, I sat on a committee dealing with colonias, communities in our area where the poorest of the poor live. The Catholic Diocese has been represented on this group for years, and it was obvious by the attention, staff and resources given to this work by the Diocese’s Department of Social Ministries that helping people with the most basic of needs was one of Bishop Ramirez’s top priorities.
In these actions, he truly echoes the teachings of Christ, who said, “Whatever you have done for one of these least brothers of Mine, you have done for Me.”
His words
In some cases, religious leaders use emotions like fear or guilt in their preaching. This is not a practice with Bishop Ramirez. In his sermons, he never insults or degrades, always appealing to the better angels of human nature and seeking to kindle understanding, kindness and peace in the community.
Statements, blessings and writings from the bishop will always contain an abundance of words like love, patience, grace and forgiveness. And when leading public invocations, he is always as inclusive as possible in showing respect to everyone’s beliefs.
His words reflect his constant efforts to overcome borders, both physical and metaphorical, and never to create them.
In my first year as a county commissioner, as chairman I faced an issue regarding prayers said before meetings. It had been the commission’s practice for a representative of only one type of religious viewpoint to lead the prayers, and sometimes these presentations turned in to mini sermons.
I believe strongly that no government agency should ever be used as a tool to influence faith, as someone’s bond with God is one of the most important definitions one can have as an individual. Therefore I asked that the issue be discussed. However, dealing this emotionally charged topic was an extremely hard thing for a 27-year-old, brand-new policy maker. So I called Bishop Ramirez.
To be up front, though I was raised Catholic I am not a regular churchgoer, finding that I can expand my own relationship with God in other ways. Even recognizing this, he took my appointment and spent a great deal of time discussing the topic. He is a wonderful listener, and when he did speak his input showed understanding and insightfulness, and it helped me garner a larger perspective regarding the issue that had not previously been clear.
Apparently, making the effort to discuss and understand difficult issues is far from uncommon for Bishop Ramirez. His reputation for tolerance, wisdom and compassion are commonplace throughout our community as these words are echoed about him from people of many faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds.
An example
As a child, I was always taught that God was the ultimate repository of unquestioning love, constant forgiveness, and universal understanding. If the job of a cleric (be it priest, reverend, rabbi or imam) is to represent and teach those values to others, then God could ask for no better than Ricardo Ramirez. Our entire community has been strengthened by his presence, and I can only hope that others will work to emulate his actions, message and disposition.
Bishop, I am sure that I echo many others in wishing you nothing but the best. Thank you for choosing to stay with us, and enjoy your deserved rest.
Bill McCamley is a resident of Las Cruces. He is a former Doña Ana County commissioner and is currently the business outreach director for ROJO Apparel, a socially responsible clothing company.