Michael Swickard
Our nation’s founders worried that government without strong limitations, even government in a republic, could become as oppressive as King George III who inspired the American Revolution. They sought to keep government from unduly oppressing citizens. Over time, though, always for a “good cause,” government was able to grab more and more power.
Government today is arguably as oppressive as it was with King George in 1776.
Citizens today serve the government rather than the other way around. The authorities live regally as if they are our betters. We are just “giving units” providing the funding for their imperial authority.
We have seen enormous changes in our society these past 50 years.
Money grubbers instead of law enforcement officers
Picture the Andy Griffith Show, 2011. Mayberry leaders decree that law enforcement must help balance the budget. Andy quits in disgust. Barney is tasked every day with writing 10 tickets and arresting two citizens.
In the first episode Barney arrests Aunt Bee for parking “funny” and perp walks her into jail. She is crying. The fine is more than she has, so the town government confiscates her car. Floyd, the barber, puts up a fight on a warrant for unsightly weeds. Goober tasers Floyd. It stops his heart and he dies. Each episode shows the effect of a police state after money rather than justice.
Far fetched? Not really. I grew up with enormous respect for law enforcement, but have lost much of my respect since officers have allowed politicians to turn them into money grubbers instead of law enforcement officers. The citizens know that all of the new procedures we are seeing involving the police are thinly veiled attempts to get more money from citizens rather than enforcing an orderly society.
Each separate act of sneaking money out of our pockets makes us respect members of law enforcement less and less. Where is their outrage at being used as tax collectors? We citizens recognize the fine system does not extinguish behavior; rather, it is a direct financial resource leaders count on. Our society is ethically bankrupt when government entities are made the beneficiaries of their ability to fine citizens.
Hassling law-abiding citizens
Know this: I have no problem with citizens getting tickets; I have a problem when it is tied to the financial needs of the controlling government. More importantly, an administrative citation should never result in a citizen being arrested, handcuffed and perp-walked into jail. That is for criminals. There are administrative ways to collect fines.
Likewise I am concerned with the proliferation of the codes officers. Law-abiding citizens are being hassled more and more instead of criminals. And there is never ever a time when a codes violation should result in an arrest. Last week in my town a citizen was arrested for weeds in her yard. I spoke to one city leader who was happy about the arrest. He was willing to arrest citizens for administrative rather than criminal activity.
In my 20-minute conversation, he expressed happiness about the incarceration because it showed citizens they would get into big trouble if they did not do exactly what they were told. Government says jump. We must reply, how high?
The voters need to ask every city, county, state and federal leader where they stand on this issue. Who is there to protect the citizens from oppression and who only want to increase the government’s power? What does each think is the legitimate role of government in a free society?
Is there ever a time to arrest non-criminals? Should the police intimidate citizens instead of going after real criminals? Who thinks the police should concentrate on the robbers, rapists, gang members and felons – yes, the criminals, not the code violators? Voters need to know this and act upon it the next election.
Taking government back
Those of us who believe in limited government must take the government back from the oppressors. We must assert our authority over our servants. They will not give up their power easily. Power is all they respect. It must be done if we are to live free.
Money-grubbing politicians have taken the honor from the members of law enforcement. Are we citizens going to throw those politicians out of office next election? Stay tuned.
Swickard is co-host of the radio talk show News New Mexico, which airs from 6 to 9 a.m. Monday through Friday on KSNM-AM 570 in Las Cruces and throughout the state through streaming. His e-mail address is michael@swickard.com.