NMPolitics.net makes donations to nonprofits


As promised, NMPolitics.net made donations today to two nonprofits that share the site’s mission.

The donations of $250 apiece from Haussamen Publications, the publisher of this site, went to the N.M. Foundation for Open Government and New Mexico First.

The first fights for increased transparency in government, and the second leads the way in facilitating productive political and policy debate that promotes the common good.

NMPolitics.net’s mission is, in the tradition of non-partisan journalism, to hold government and political leaders accountable through hard-hitting but fair reporting – which is not possible without sunshine – and to encourage policy and political debate that promotes the common good.

NMPolitics.net pledged when it began its annual fundraising drive in February to make the donations if it reached its goal of raising $12,000 – which the site did earlier this month.

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