Haussamen debates driver’s license bill

Heath Haussamen

I got into a fairly interesting debate with Jim Spence today on the talk radio program News New Mexico about the issue of repealing a law that would give driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.

Spence takes a black-and-white stance on the issue not unlike the views of Rep. Andy Nuñez and Gov. Susana Martinez. While driving to the show, I listened to him on the radio portraying the debate at the Roundhouse in a way I thought was oversimplified.

So we spent about half my time on the show debating issues related to border security and immigration, including Nuñez’s driver’s license bill. I argued that the issue is full of complexities and gray areas.

We also talked about some other things going on at the Roundhouse.

You can listen to the hour-long show by clicking here.

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