Sam Bregman
So, Dan Foley is back and thinks the governor did an outstanding job during the gas crisis. She didn’t, and if she’d done a great job, he wouldn’t be attacking me.
Fact: Thousands of New Mexicans suffered and are still trying to recover from businesses forced to close and lives turned upside down. When a crisis hits, a governor activates a plan of action immediately and doesn’t let a private company that caused the crisis take charge.
For Republicans, it’s always, “Large corporations know best – they can do the job, and who cares if it doesn’t work?”
There are new tests of leadership coming for Governor Martinez.
Governor, will you continue to support Wal Mart and other large, out-of-state corporations that don’t pay the same tax rate small businesses pay in New Mexico? Legislation is being introduced to correct this injustice, and leadership is required. Can you support our small businesses and show them some leadership?
Governor, why are you paying for education consulting when not one of the consultants is a New Mexican? Who knows better than New Mexican teachers and educators what the problems are and how to fix them? Can you stand up for our teachers and show them some leadership?
Oh, and welcome to the fight, Mr. Foley. You should slow down. It appears you are speeding! I am just getting warmed up!
Bregman is a candidate for chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.