Jeff Bingaman
In addition to statements NMPolitics.net published earlier today on U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman’s retirement (here and here), these are additional statements sent out by politicians:
U.S. Rep. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M.
“Senator Jeff Bingaman’s legacy of public service has been nothing short of inspirational. With 28 years of service to New Mexico and our nation, Jeff’s accomplishments cannot be overstated. He has been a voice of conscience in the Senate, and has worked tirelessly for our nation’s armed forces, energy independence and economic prosperity.
“The measured and diplomatic approach to public service for which Jeff is known has had an enormous influence on me and my career. I look forward to working closely with Jeff during his last two years in the Senate on the issues that matter most to New Mexicans and to our great nation.”
U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M.
“For nearly 30 years in the United States Senate, Jeff Bingaman has been a dedicated public servant and champion for the hard-working men and women of New Mexico. During his time of service, he has continually demonstrated an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of all New Mexicans.
“As chair of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Senator Bingaman has shown a true passion for protecting our environment and the natural beauty of the Land of Enchantment. His commitment to moving our nation toward a clean energy economy has made him a leading voice in the effort to create good jobs in New Mexico and develop our renewable energy resources.
“I know I join with the people of New Mexico in thanking Senator Bingaman for his service, and I wish him the best on his future endeavors. I know that he will continue to work on behalf of the best interests of all New Mexicans for the rest of his term and beyond.”
Former Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Democrat
“One of the first candidates I worked for, other than my father, was Sen. Jeff Bingaman, and ever since then, I have admired his steadfast dedication to New Mexico families, his legislative intellect, and perhaps most of all, his thoughtful and respectful way of doing business. While others in Congress focused on sound bites and partisan battling, Jeff Bingaman always stayed above the fray and quietly served as one of the most effective U.S. senators in our history. The state of New Mexico is a better place because of Jeff Bingaman.”
Former U.S. Rep. Harry Teague, D-N.M.
“Senator Bingaman is a true statesman and I am proud to call him a friend. For 34 years, Senator Bingaman served the people of New Mexico proudly and with great dignity. I was always inspired by his passion for New Mexico and his commitment to making a difference in the lives of people across the state. I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors and thank him for his years of work to better our state.”
Sam Bregman, candidate for chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico
“New Mexico is losing one of its greatest U.S. senators – Jeff Bingaman. Now, more than ever in these uncertain times, it is crucial that we elect a new state party chair that is strong, decisive and committed to making sure that not only does Jeff’s seat remain in Democratic control but that we have Democratic victories at all levels, from the bottom to the top.
“Our work as grassroots party activists is to ensure that we invest and recruit the strongest candidates that will continue to work to put our state back to work, protect the environment and ensure that our civil liberties are not weakened by a radical Republican Party. Stand with me and lets come back stronger in 2012!
“P.S. Thank you Senator Bingaman for everything you have done for our state and for our country.”
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Communications Director Eric Schultz
“Jeff Bingaman has done a terrific job representing the people of New Mexico. He is one of the most distinguished members of our caucus, and he will be missed in the Senate. We are confident that the people of New Mexico will continue to have two Democrats representing them in the United States Senate. With a heavily-leaning Democratic state and a potential crop of out-of-touch Republican candidates, it is clear that a we will have a strong Democratic who will hold onto this seat.”
Update, 9:45 p.m.
President Barack Obama
“From his time in the Army, to his service as New Mexico’s attorney general and senior senator, Jeff Bingaman has served this country and the people of New Mexico for more than three decades. He has been a tireless advocate for preserving America’s natural resources and promoting a clean energy future. Jeff has gained the respect of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle, in New Mexico and in Washington, and his voice on the floor of the Senate will be missed. Michelle and I offer Jeff our best wishes and deepest appreciation for his lifetime of service.”
State Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez
“Sen. Bingaman was a great advocate for the people of our great state, and his tenure in the office positively impacted all New Mexicans. It will be difficult to replace such a powerful and respected representative of the people of this state who has meant so much to our communities.
“…I would like to personally thank Senator Bingaman for his service to New Mexico and for the many things he has done for our state. I know he will stay active in helping the people of our communities.”