Investments in community services are necessary

Stephanie Maez-Gibson

In a recent piece, Paul Gessing gets it wrong when he states that New Mexico public services can continue to be slashed. Where Mr. Gessing, where?

Our teachers are already forced to purchase their own school supplies, while simultaneously watching as their classrooms go from 17 students to, in some cases, more than 30 students. No cuts to classrooms? I agree. Well then let’s look at other funding cuts…

Take our state’s child protective services, which is also at risk. Several months ago we heard of the tragic case in which state officials found malnourished and abused children in an Albuquerque home. Fortunately, these children were removed from the home. But how can we expect our public servants to fully investigate these cases, aid in the prosecution of abusers, and ultimately protect vulnerable New Mexico children if they do not have the resources to do so?

Probably shouldn’t cut child protective services. Hmmm, what’s next?

Critical first response services provided by our fire departments and local and state police are also on the chopping block. These hard-working public employees serve our needs for little compensation, reward and recognition. By cutting their pay, requesting they take mandatory unpaid leave and/or laying them off, what message are we sending? That message is clear – that they are not valued. And that is completely unacceptable.


A balanced approach

These are just a few examples of necessary community services at risk. Clearly, one can see that it would be detrimental to all New Mexicans if we cut any further. There are other alternatives. We need to take a balanced approach to addressing our current revenue crisis, one that levels the playing field for all New Mexicans and ensures strict accountability in our tax code.

We need to make out-of-state corporations and the rich pay their fair share. Out-of-state corporations benefit from good roads, the security of responsive police and fire protection, as well as customers with enough education to earn some disposable income. However, in our state it is small businesses and New Mexico working families that make the necessary investments in these vital goods and services. Many out-of-state corporations do not.

With regard to personal income tax, the 2003 tax cuts for the rich did not trickle down and produce jobs. Rather, New Mexico lost jobs. Let’s renew our commitment to the future by reinvesting in kids and education – instead of continuing this wasteful tax giveaway to the rich.

Mr. Gessing: It is sad that you advocate proposals that would harm New Mexicans while continuing to oppose proposals that benefit only corporate special interests. Shameful.

Maez-Gibson is communications director for the Center for Civic Policy.

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