Susana Martinez
In a new interview with CNN’s John King, Gov.-elect Susana Martinez said she’s going to tell President Obama that Washington needs to reform the nation’s immigration system. She also said she’s proud as a Hispanic woman to be helping change the Republican Party.
“I welcome the role of making sure we’re having conversations with other Latinos throughout the country, particularly in the way we did in New Mexico, talking about what’s important to them – changing the economy in New Mexico, making sure we get our kids educated in the best possible way, and certainly cutting back on spending in state government,” Martinez, the nation’s first Hispanic woman to be elected governor, told King.
“So I am proud to be part of that conversation with New Mexicans and certainly changing the face of the Republican Party,” she said.
You can watch the interview here and read CNN’s post about it here.
Martinez retold the story of why she switched parties – from Democrat to Republican – before she first ran for district attorney in 1996. She said her parents were Democrats and she grew up in a Democratic city, but after a conversation with two Republican friends, she realized her values were more in line with that party and switched.
“I’m the same person the way I was before. … I’m the same conservative individual,” Martinez said.
Martinez reiterated her usual talking points on immigration reform – the border must be secured first, she doesn’t want a law like Arizona’s in New Mexico, she wants to repeal the state law that allows undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. She also reiterated her usual stance on solving the state’s budget problems with cuts, not tax increases.
The president has said he wants to meet with the nation’s new governors. Asked what she will say to Obama if she gets a chance to meet him, Martinez said she “will talk to him about the border issues and how they must… deal with it as the federal government.”
King brought up Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Martinez in the primary and asked whether Martinez would endorse Palin for president. Martinez said the decision on who becomes the next president should be made by “the people.”
“She certainly energized Americans to listen, focus, pay attention to what elected officials are doing. I congratulate her for that,” Martinez said.