Sarah Palin (Photo by Heath Haussamen)
There is something awesome about the ability to be frank. And I do mean to call it an ability – it’s the art of being brutally honest without coming across as looking like a scathing twit.
Case in point – Barbara Bush.
You can watch the former First Lady in action here.
Or, you can read the former First Lady’s words as reported by the Associated Press here:
In an interview with CNN’s Larry King scheduled for airing (tonight), Mrs. Bush (said) she sat next to Palin once and “thought she was beautiful.” The outspoken wife of former President George H.W. Bush (said) Palin, who is considering a presidential run in 2012, seems “very happy in Alaska” but then adds, “I hope she’ll stay there.”
Well, there you go. She said it. Sarah Palin should steer clear of a presidential bid.
In the spirit of being frank – thank you, Barbara Bush, and I could not agree more.
Why? Well, let’s just start by stating the obvious.
- It’s hard to swallow the thought of the latest reality-show-turned-star as the next president of the United States. (True, Palin for President is a much better option than Snookie for President, but you get my drift. True, both Palin and Snookie have newly-released books out. But, still, it sets a warped precedent.)
- The presidency is (or should be) about “executive” experience. If you truly want to be president, then why dump your governorship? That’s about as executive as executive gets. And, so, why abandon the one, legitimate qualifier that you have in your back pocket?
- Continuing on this point – people elect candidates because they are choosing to rely upon that candidate. Surrendering what you were voted in to finish does not spell winner to me.
- While a strong center-right, business-minded female (with “executive” experience) would be a stellar addition to the roster of 2012 GOP-hopefuls, we have yet to see such a candidate rise. Being female does not automatically qualify a person for president.
- Ego is great and beauty is good, but wisdom and true-and-tried experience are greater.
Go ahead, attack me. If I could eqaute this to pleading the 5th, then I would plead with Barbara Bush.
Sarah Lenti is the blogger behind NMPolitics.net’s The Savvy. E-mail her at sarah@nmpolitics.net.